mysql - Ruby TinyInt(1)? -

i have mysql table defined status flag (which tinyint(1)). when try check whether value true or false seem arrive @ erroneous result. is, doesn't see value legit true or value, rather test's if it's not "nil" or alike - hence "doesn't seem work"

results.each_hash |row|  # tried   # (a)  if row['status']      # - doesn't seem work  end   # (b)  if row['status'].to_i == 1     # seems correct  end   # (c)  if row['status'] == false    # doesn't seem work  end end 

what correct approach checking value (tinyint(1)) should trueclass or falseclass in ruby; (c) doesn't work itself.

this reference used - i'm assuming should apply in rails , in ruby (unless activerecord work) -

from active_record-3.2.13, abstract_mysql_adapter.rb code line 96:

  # default, mysqladapter consider columns of type <tt>tinyint(1)</tt>   # boolean. if wish disable emulation (which default   # behavior in versions 0.13.1 , earlier) can add following line   # application.rb file:   #   #   activerecord::connectionadapters::mysql[2]adapter.emulate_booleans = false 


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