angularjs - Should a directive talk to a controller in Angular JS? -

i have been watching videos john linquist , in 1 video gives example:

var app = angular.module('twitterapp', [])  app.controller("appctrl", function ($scope) {    $scope.loadmoretweets = function () {       alert("loading tweets!");    } }  app.directive("enter", function() {    return function (scope, element, attrs) {       element.bind("mouseenter", function () {          scope.loadmoretweets();       })    } } 

one thing wondering should directive in example talk controller or better programming practice create service , have directive talk service? guess still not sure if common practices directives talk controllers in way.

u tube video

how have done it

<span enter="loadmoretweets()">something</span> 


app.controller('appcontroller', function ($scope) {    $scope.loadmoretweets = function () {       console.log("loading tweets!");    }   })    app.directive("enter", function() {    return {      link: function (scope, element, attrs) {        element.bind("mouseenter", function () {           scope.$apply(attrs.enter)        })      }    } }); 

demo: plunker

another way achieve same

app.directive("enter", function() {    return {     scope: {       callback: '&enter'     },     link: function (scope, element, attrs) {        element.bind("mouseenter", function () {           scope.$apply('callback()')        })      }    } }); 

demo: plunker


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