html - JSP and JavaScript convert date -

i have problem while trying convert specific type of date.

my goal format: dd/mm/yyyy

the current date format: thu apr 04 00:00:00 eest 2013

when alerted using javascript, responds not date. used many solutions format on jsp:

<fmt:formatdate value="${thedate}" pattern="dd/mm/yyyy"/>  

result error:

attempt convert string "thu apr 04 00:00:00 eest 2013" type "", there no propertyeditor type. 

and in javascript:

var datecreation = new date(thedate); 

the problem in javascript says datecreation not date. ideas?

problem date string "thu apr 04 00:00:00 eest 2013"

when tried date string got illegelargumentexception

change "thu apr 04 00:00:00 eest 2013" "thu apr 04 00:00:00 est 2013" working fine.

i'm unable guess why got eest (one e extra).

   public static void main(string[] args) {     date date = new date("thu apr 04 00:00:00 est 2013");     system.out.println(date); } 

you getting error in javascript because passing same string js guess.


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