delphi - Undocumented Members of TPropInfo -
system.typinfo.tpropinfo has 2 function members (at least in d-xe3):
function namefld: ttypeinfofieldaccessor; inline; function tail: ppropinfo; inline;
i cannot find documentation them or examples of use. , how can used? (hope qualifies 1 question.)
the namefld function returns name of property ttypeinfofieldaccessor
this allows following:
mypropertyname:= mypropinfo.namefld.tostring; if (propinfoa.namefld = propinfob.namefld) begin writeln('property names same'); end;
the ttypeinfofieldaccessor stores name of property in shortstring internally.
because nextgen compiler not support shortstrings, pbyte
type used.
(i guess author did not want litter source ifdefs , ripped out pshortstring references)
the input of tail
pbyte pointing length field of internal shortstring.
here's source code tail.
function ttypeinfofieldaccessor.tail: pbyte; begin result:= fdata //start of shortstring + fdata^ + //length of stringdata + 1; //add 1 length byte end;
because shortstrings not null terminated, cannot simple "loop until null char found" kind of loop.
therefore loop start tail can employed transfer shortstring normal string.
strangely enough in actual rtl sourcecode length byte used everywhere instead of tail
function; looks leftover.
have made more sense include size
function , rip out tail
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