java - Regarding adding days to the current date -
i newbie world of java. learning , exploring java calendar class abstract class consisting of factory method instance (). trying increment or decrement date, e.g. adding 1 day current date tomorrow's date, subtracting 1 day yesterday's date, etc. since date in java maintained long millisecond value, programmers tend add 24 hours 1 day. wrong if day falls on daylight saving timezone, day either 23 or 25 hours long. when add or subtract days date, other components of date e.g. month , year must roll.
my query shown below. in class trying add , subtract days. please advise, correct approach or there other better approach advise.
//using calendar increment , decrement days date in java date today = new date(); system.out.println("today " + toddmmyy(today)); calendar cal = calendar.getinstance(); //adding 1 day current date cal.add(calendar.day_of_month, 1); date tommrrow = cal.gettime(); system.out.println("tomorrow " + toddmmyy(tommrrow)); //substracting 2 day date in java cal.add(calendar.day_of_month, -2); date yesterday = cal.gettime(); system.out.println("yesterday " + mmyy(cal.gettime()));
your correct. happens when use date milliseconds arithmetic
simpledateformat df = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm"); date d1 = df.parse("2013-03-30 12:00"); date d2 = new date(d1.gettime() + 24 * 3600 * 1000); // +24 hrs system.out.println(df.format(d2));
2013-03-31 13:00
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