AES same encryption/decryption in iOS and Android -

i want encrypt same text: "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" ios , android.

key used is:"a01bd1be-9d28-11e2-a12e-48086188709b"

ios implementation:

- (nsdata *)aes256encryptwithkey:(nsstring *)key{   char keyptr[kcckeysizeaes256 + 1]; // room terminator (unused) bzero( keyptr, sizeof( keyptr ) ); // fill zeroes (for padding)  // fetch key data [key getcstring:keyptr maxlength:sizeof( keyptr ) encoding:nsutf8stringencoding];  nsuinteger datalength = [self length];  //see doc: block ciphers, output size less or //equal input size plus size of 1 block. //that's why need add size of 1 block here size_t buffersize = datalength + kccblocksizeaes128; void *buffer = malloc( buffersize );  size_t numbytesencrypted = 0; cccryptorstatus cryptstatus = cccrypt( kccencrypt, kccalgorithmaes128, kccoptionpkcs7padding,                                       keyptr, kcckeysizeaes256,                                       null /* initialization vector (optional) */,                                       [self bytes], datalength, /* input */                                       buffer, buffersize, /* output */                                       &numbytesencrypted ); if( cryptstatus == kccsuccess ) {     //the returned nsdata takes ownership of buffer , free on deallocation     return [nsdata datawithbytesnocopy:buffer length:numbytesencrypted]; }  free( buffer ); //free buffer return nil;} 

android implementation:

byte[] rawkey = new byte[32];  system.arraycopy("a01bd1be-9d28-11e2-a12e-48086188709b".getbytes("utf-8"), 0, rawkey, 0, 32);  cipher cipher = cipher.getinstance("aes/cbc/pkcs7padding");  final byte[] iv = new byte[16]; arrays.fill(iv, (byte) 0x00); ivparameterspec ivspec = new ivparameterspec(iv); secretkeyspec keyspec = new secretkeyspec(rawkey, "aes");  cipher.init(cipher.encrypt_mode, keyspec, ivspec); byte[] results = cipher.dofinal(cleartextbyte); string result = base64.encodetostring(results, base64.default); 

i different result.

why ?


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