php - <br /> must stay instead of \u003cbr / when using google translate -
i use function translate shown below. in text there many
tags , changed \u003cbr / after translation.
example: super preis - leistungsverhältnis.
das bekommen sie nur bei uns !
super prijs - . geld \u003cbr /\u003e u ons \u003cbr /\u003e
question: how can prevent text
tags not changed , stays after translations
function translate($text, $from = 'de', $to = 'nl'){ $texto_traducri = urlencode($text); $query = "$texto_traducri%0a%0a&hl=$from&sl=$from&tl=$to&multires=1&prev=enter&oc=5&ssel=3&tsel=6&sc=1"; $response = file_get_contents( $query, null, stream_context_create( array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"get", 'header'=>"referer:\r\n" ) ) ) ); $p_separador = strpos($response,'","'); $p_separador = strpos($response,"]]"); $s_previo = substr($response,3,($p_separador)); $a_previo = explode("],[",$s_previo); $txt_sum = ''; foreach($a_previo $s_cadenaparcial){ $s_cadenaparcial = str_replace("]", "", $s_cadenaparcial); $s_cadenaparcial = str_replace("[", "", $s_cadenaparcial); $a_cadena = explode('","',$s_cadenaparcial); $txt_sum.=substr($a_cadena[0],1); } $tagresult = $txt_sum;
$tagresult = htmlspecialchars_decode($tagresult);
return $tagresult; }
, \u003e
represent unicode values <
, >
you convert them normal characters.
here example of how that:
<? function uconverter($matches) { return html_entity_decode('&#' . hexdec($matches[1]) . ';', ent_compat, 'utf-8'); } function decode_uchars($str) { return preg_replace_callback('/\\\\u([0-9a-fa-f]{4})/', uconverter, $str); } $in = 'super prijs - . geld \u003cbr /\u003e u ons \u003cbr /\u003e'; $out = decode_uchars($in); // super prijs - . geld <br /> u ons <br /> echo $out; ?>
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