android - Why is the first line always crossed out? -

in application use simplecursoradapter. if checkbox.ischecked() text should strikethrough. why first line crossed out, if checkbox not checked

public class mainactivity extends activity { //  button btncalendar;  //*******************************************8 string[] names = {"Иван", "Марья", "Петр", "Антон", "Даша", "Борис",           "Костя", "Игорь", "Анна", "Денис", "Андрей"}; //button buttonaddtask; final string tag="states"; final string ten = "ten"; textview txtdatatasktoday; string id_for_listtsk_today; listview lvmain_today; string[] arr_date; sharedpreferences spref; static cursor c; private listview listview = null; sqlitedatabase db; //public static string id_for_listtsk_today; //  static sqlitedatabase db; mysqlcursoradapter adapter = null; //***********************************************8  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     if (getintent().getbooleanextra("finish", false)) finish();     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); //  btncalendar = (button) findviewbyid(; //  btncalendar.setonclicklistener(this);      //*********************************************     // переменные для query     string[] columns = null;     string selection = null;     string[] selectionargs = null;     string groupby = null;     string having = null;     string orderby = null;    //*********работа с БД****************     // создаем объект для данных          txtdatatasktoday = (textview) findviewbyid(;         simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd");         string id_for_listtsk_today = sdf.format(new date());         //final string b = id_for_listtsk_today;         txtdatatasktoday.settext("today: "+id_for_listtsk_today.tostring());     //  txtdatatasktoday.setpaintflags(txtdatatasktoday.getpaintflags() | paint.strike_thru_text_flag);          log.d(tag, "id_for_listtsk_today ="+id_for_listtsk_today );         contentvalues cv = new contentvalues();         dbhelper dbhelper = new dbhelper(this);              final sqlitedatabase db = dbhelper.getwritabledatabase();         columns = new string[] {"name"};         selection = "data_id = ?";         selectionargs = new string[] {id_for_listtsk_today};         //c = db.query("mytable", columns, selection, selectionargs, null, null, null);         try {         c=dbhelper.getcursor(id_for_listtsk_today);         } catch (sqlexception sqle) {             log.d(tag, "неудача");             throw sqle;          }         string[] arr_date = logcursor(c);      //*********работа с БД****************            lvmain_today = (listview) findviewbyid(; //            lvmain_today.setchoicemode(listview.choice_mode_multiple);         //this.listview=getl         //listview = mainactivity.this.getlgetlistview();         lvmain_today.setitemscanfocus(false);         lvmain_today.setchoicemode(listview.choice_mode_multiple);         //arrayadapter<string> adapter =  new arrayadapter<string>    (this,android.r.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice, arr_date);// r.layout.item, my_list_item         startmanagingcursor(c);         int[] listfields = new int[] {, };         string[] dbcolumns = new string[] { dbhelper.column_name, dbhelper.column_task };         log.d(tag, "трассировка" );         mainactivity.this.adapter = new mysqlcursoradapter(                 this, r.layout.my_list_item,                 c, dbcolumns, listfields,                 dbhelper); //                    lvmain_today.setadapter(mainactivity.this.adapter);     //    setlistadapter(mainactivity.this.adapter);             names = arr_date;         //c.close();         //db.close();         //dbhelper.close();            lvmain_today.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener() {               public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view,                   int position, long id) {                   textview txtview = (textview) findviewbyid(;                   txtview.settext("blah blah blah");                   log.d(tag, "position="+position);                 //  ((textview)     txtdatatasktoday).settextcolor(android.r.color.white);                   sparsebooleanarray chosen = ((listview)     parent).getcheckeditempositions();                   (int = 0; < chosen.size(); i++) {                       int key = chosen.keyat(i);                       if (chosen.get(key))                         log.d(tag, "выделены ====="+names[key]);                   log.d(tag, "itemclick: position = " + position + ", id = "                     + id);}                   //****************nen пробная фигня**************  //                  string[] columns = null; //                  string selection = null; //                  string[] selectionargs = null; //                  string groupby = null; //                  string having = null; //                  string orderby = null; //                  columns = new string[] {"name"}; //                  selection = "data_id = ?"; //                  selectionargs = new string[]     {id_for_listtsk_today};//id_for_listtsk_today  //                  cursor c = db.query("mytable", columns, selection, selectionargs, null, null, null);              //   string[] arr = logcursor(c);                  //**************************************************                     //  string s=test();                  }              });  //          lvmain_today.setonitemselectedlistener(new onitemselectedlistener() { //                public void onitemselected(adapterview<?> parent, view view, //                    int position, long id) { //                  log.d(tag, "Было выделение позиции меню!!!!position = " + position + ", id = " //                      + id); //                } // //                public void onnothingselected(adapterview<?> parent) { //                  log.d(tag, "itemselect: nothing"); //                } //              });  }  private string[] logcursor(cursor c) {     // todo auto-generated method stub     final string tag="states";     string[] arr_date = new string[c.getcount()];//string[] arr_date  = new string[] {};     log.d(tag,"мы в курсоре");     if (c!=null) {         if (c.movetofirst()) {         //  log.d(tag,"мы в курсоре1");             string str;             int i=-1;             {             //  log.d(tag,"мы в курсоре2");                 str="";                 i=i+1;                 (string cn: c.getcolumnnames()) {                     str = str.concat(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex(cn)));                 }                 log.d(tag, "++++"+str);                 arr_date[i]=string.valueof(str);             } while (c.movetonext());          }      }      return arr_date;  }     @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {     // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present.     menu.add(0, 1, 0, "календарь");     menu.add(0, 2, 0, "Убрать выполненные");     menu.add(0, 3, 3, "Уйти"); //        menu.add(1, 4, 1, "copy"); //        menu.add(1, 5, 2, "paste"); //        menu.add(1, 6, 4, "exit");        return super.oncreateoptionsmenu(menu); //  getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu);     //return true; }  public boolean onoptionsitemselected(menuitem item) {       // todo auto-generated method stub       stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();        // Выведем в textview информацию о нажатом пункте меню       // txtdatatasktoday.settext("item menu");     //  txtdatatasktoday.settext(item.getgroupid());       txtdatatasktoday.settext("\r\n itemid: " + string.valueof(item.getitemid()));      // txtdatatasktoday.settext("\r\n order: " + string.valueof(item.getorder()));      // txtdatatasktoday.settext("\r\n title: " + item.gettitle());       switch (item.getitemid()) {     case 1:         intent intent = new intent(this, todocalendaractivity.class);         startactivity(intent);         ondestroy();         break;     case 2:          sparsebooleanarray sbarray = lvmain_today.getcheckeditempositions();         (int = 0; < sbarray.size(); i++) {           int key = sbarray.keyat(i);           if (sbarray.get(key))             log.d(tag, "выделены "+names[key]);           spref = getpreferences(mode_private);           editor ed = spref.edit();           ed.putstring(ten, "1");           ed.commit();           log.d(tag, "ставим константу для скрытия");         }           break;     case 3:         spref = getpreferences(mode_private);         string savedtext = spref.getstring(ten, "");         log.d(tag, "ten= "+ savedtext);         ondestroy();         //finish();         break;      }        return super.onoptionsitemselected(item);     }  @override   protected void onstart() {     super.onstart();     try {         mainactivity.this.onrestart();     } catch (exception e) {         log.d(tag, "не получилось рестартануть");     }     log.d(tag, "mainactivity: onstart()");   }      @override   protected void onresume() {     super.onresume();     log.d(tag, "mainactivity: onresume()");   }  protected void ondestroy() {     super.ondestroy();     // закрываем подключение при выходе   //  todocalendaractivity.this.finish();     log.d(tag, "mainactivity: ondestroy()");     finish();   //   db.close();   } @override protected void onpause() {      super.onpause();     //this.dbhelper.close();     log.d(tag, "mainactivity: onpause()"); } @override   protected void onstop() {     super.onstop();     log.d(tag, "mainactivity: onstop()");   } @override protected void onrestart() {     super.onrestart(); //  new selectdatatask().execute();     log.d(tag, "mainactivity: onrestart()");   }  //  @override //  public void onclick(view v) { //      // todo auto-generated method stub //      switch (v.getid()) { //      case //           //          intent intent = new intent(this, todocalendaractivity.class); //          startactivity(intent); //          break; //      } //  }  } 


public class mysqlcursoradapter extends simplecursoradapter implements onclicklistener {     final string tag="states";     private context context;      private dbhelper dbhelper;     private cursor currentcursor;     textview txttitle;     textview txttitle1;      public mysqlcursoradapter(context context, int layout, cursor c,         string[] from, int[] to, dbhelper dbhelper) {          super(context, layout, c, from, to);         log.d(tag, "трассировка1" );         this.currentcursor = c;         this.context = context;         this.dbhelper = dbhelper;         log.d(tag, "mysqlcursoradapter()");         integer b = c.getcount();         log.d(tag, "b="+b);     }      public view getview(int pos, view inview, viewgroup parent) {         log.d(tag, "getview() + posss=" + pos);         view v = inview;         if (v == null) {             layoutinflater inflater = (layoutinflater) context                 .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);             v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.my_list_item, null);         }          this.currentcursor.movetoposition(pos);          checkbox cbox = (checkbox) v.findviewbyid(;          cbox.settag(integer.parseint(this.currentcursor.getstring(this.currentcursor.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.column_id))));         log.d(tag, "tag="+cbox.gettag().tostring());         if (this.currentcursor.getstring(this.currentcursor             .getcolumnindex(dbhelper.column_status)) != null             && integer.parseint(this.currentcursor                 .getstring(this.currentcursor                         .getcolumnindex(dbhelper.column_status))) != 0) {             cbox.setchecked(true);         } else {             cbox.setchecked(false);         }          cbox.setonclicklistener(this);          txttitle = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;         txttitle1 = (textview) v.findviewbyid(;         txttitle.settext(this.currentcursor.getstring(this.currentcursor.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.column_name)));         txttitle1.settext(this.currentcursor.getstring(this.currentcursor.getcolumnindex(dbhelper.column_task)));         if (cbox.ischecked()) {             log.d(tag, " pos=" + pos);             txttitle.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() | paint.strike_thru_text_flag);                 txttitle1.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() | paint.strike_thru_text_flag);         }          return (v);     }      public void clearselections() {         log.d(tag, "clearselections()");         this.dbhelper.clearselections();         this.currentcursor.requery();     }      @override     public void onclick(view v) {         if(dbhelper.dbsqlite==null) {             //log.d(tag, "00000000000");             sqlitedatabase db = dbhelper.getwritabledatabase();                 //log.d(tag, "onclick");             checkbox cbox = (checkbox) v;             integer _id = (integer) cbox.gettag();             //integer _id = 4;             //log.d(tag, "integer _id="+_id.tostring());             contentvalues values = new contentvalues();             values.put(" status", cbox.ischecked() ? 1 : 0);             try {                db.update("mytable", values, "_id = ?",    new string[] { integer.tostring(_id) });             } catch (sqlexception sqle) {                 //    log.d(tag, "неудача");                 throw sqle;             }         }          txttitle.settextcolor(;          }     } } 

i put flag in textview in functoin getview() txttitle.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() | paint.underline_text_flag); txttitle1.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() | paint.strike_thru_text_flag); why first line crossed out?

setpaintflags changes persistent, suspect function gets called twice, first time cbox.setchecked(true) executed, second time cbox.setchecked(false) executed, flags not reset. thus:

    if (cbox.ischecked())     {         log.d(tag, " pos=" + pos);         txttitle.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() | paint.strike_thru_text_flag);             txttitle1.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() | paint.strike_thru_text_flag);     }     else     {         log.d(tag, "!pos=" + pos);         txttitle.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() & ~paint.strike_thru_text_flag);             txttitle1.setpaintflags(txttitle.getpaintflags() & ~paint.strike_thru_text_flag);     } 


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