reflection - Overriding or modifying a Java class constructor at runtime -
i have class being instantiated part of sequence (a method goes through random list of classes , creates 3 instances of each)
i writing 1 of classes in list (note: classes exist in same package)
i unable modify source files of of other classes , need either stop instantiation of classes following own or override constructor empty method.
i have far tried using reflection, , have been looking @ classloader cant figure out how this
i can gain reference constructor reflection far have been unable interfere it
edit -> thought had (dynamically re-write , recompile target classes), code compiles im getting exception stops new class compiling
private void rewrite(string name) {//throws ioexception { try{ file sourcefile = new file("/temp/" + "name" + ".java"); system.out.println("file defined"); filewriter writer = new filewriter(sourcefile); system.out.println("filewriter defined"); writer.write("public class "+name+" extends creature {/n" + "private static int instancecount = 0;/n" + "public "+name+"() {/n" + " instancecount++;/n" + "}/n" + "public void doturn() {}/n" + "public final void creaturedestroyed() {/n" + " instancecount--;/n" + "}/n" + "public final int getinstancecount() {/n" + " return instancecount;/n" + "}/n" + "}/n"); writer.close(); system.out.println("written"); javacompiler compiler = toolprovider.getsystemjavacompiler(); standardjavafilemanager filemanager = compiler.getstandardfilemanager(null,null,null); filemanager.setlocation(standardlocation.class_output, arrays.aslist(new file("/temp"))); // compile file compiler.gettask( null, filemanager, null, null, null, filemanager.getjavafileobjectsfromfiles(arrays .aslist(sourcefile))).call(); system.out.println("compiled"); filemanager.close(); }catch(exception e){ system.out.println("fuckery"); } }
edit-> following code providing based on comments below
try { getw = (world.class.getdeclaredmethod("getworld")); getw.setaccessible(true); theworld = getw.invoke(world.class); getk = (creature.class.getdeclaredmethod("die")); getk.setaccessible(true); } catch (nosuchmethodexception exc) { system.out.println("method not found."); } catch (exception e) { system.out.println("well shit"); } try { f = world.class.getdeclaredfield("locations"); f.setaccessible(true); locations = f.get(theworld); loc = (arraylist<creature>) locations; } catch (exception e) { system.out.println("well poop"); } if (loc.size() > 0 && !allmine) { (int = 0; < loc.size(); i++) { if (loc.get(i).getclass() != colonial.class && loc.get(i).getclass() != plant.class) { try { getk.invoke(loc.get(i)); } catch (exception e) { } loc.set(i, new openland()); } } }
you can use sun.misc.unsafe#allocateinstance(myclass.class) construct instances without calling constructor. see more info.
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