mysql - Database design a simple database for a functional school -
so having little trouble in coming entity-relationships database have of design process done of minimum caliber. database created students can have many courses many many relationship (obvious know). database need keep track of homework , attendence daily. however, classes can 1 day of week or many days.
advisors->(advisorid, firstname, lastname, phone , email)
students->(studentid,firstname, lastname, phone, email)
courses->(courseid, description, startdate, statetime, room)
studentscourses->(studentid, courseid)
here stuck, thinking of creating calendar table, how correlate data homework table , attendance. if suggestions great criticism welcome.
you need create more entities achieve efficient database design. 1 solution be:
attendance(id,student_id,course_id,date) homework(id, course_offering_id, date) -- course_offering_id: primary key of student courses -- since many many relation lies between homework , student homework_student(id, homework_id, student_id)
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