android - Working Sound/Vibrate/LED of notification until i cancel it? -

noti code :

notificationcompat.builder noti = new notificationcompat.builder(context)                                 .setsmallicon(r.drawable.work_alarm_icon)                                 .setcontenttitle("alarm")                                 .setcontenttext(w.tostring())                                 .setcontentintent(pintent)                                   .setsound(uri.parse("android.resource://" + r.raw.alarm))                                 .setstyle(new notificationcompat.bigtextstyle().bigtext("..."));    |= notification.flag_insistent;         noti.setlights(color.white, 1000, 500);         noti.setvibrate(new long[]{0,500,250,500}); 

i want listen sound/vibrate , led until cancel it. (when click button cancel in new activity). me ! thank !

you cannot notification's features. if need, shall open activity , sound/vibrate there


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