r - gridExtra tableGrob error of wrong sign when using grid.draw() -

the following code

xta=t(rnorm(37,mean=400,sd=50)) xtb=tablegrob(xta,show.rownames=f,show.colnames=f,gpar.corefill=gpar(fill='white',col='black'),show.vlines=t,show.hlines=t) grid.draw(xtb) 

gives me error of

error in seq.default(2, ncol, 1) : wrong sign in 'by' argument 


edit (mnel)

this can traced show.hline argument`

 grid.table(xta, show.hline = true) 


error in seq.default(2, ncol, 1) : wrong sign in 'by' argument

while default


works well.

the same issue arises when pass d data.frame, (as function requires)

xtdf <- as.data.frame(xta)  grid.table(xtdf, show.hline = true)  ## error in seq.default(2, nrow, 1) : wrong sign in 'by' argument ##  grid.table(xtdf)  ## works expected 


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