c# - Raven db order by issue -
i have collection of documents:
{ "name": "myname", "labelkey": "mylabelkey" }
in collection labelkey null or not in document. if try order list using linq:
session.query<mymetadata>().orderby(x => x.labelkey).tolist()
i'm getting records have labelkey not null. if have collection of 100 documents , 2 have labelkey values, after ordering i'll 2. need order collection if have labelkey null. if try check not null exception:
could not understand how translate '(x.labelkey != null)' ravendb query. trying computation during query? ravendb doesn't allow computation during query, computation allowed during index. consider moving operation index.
any ideas how can order collection?
approach 1
don't store nulls. on way in, check null , replace empty string.
approach 2
create static index. in map
expression, use null coalescing operator, such as:
labelkey = x.labelkey ?? string.empty
then query using index.
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