serial port - Raspberry Pi - Rainforest EMU-2 - Python - Read time from SCE smart meter -

i programming in python , first project. appreciated.

i obtained device rainforest reads electric meter. unit has usb port accessible via usb. managed hook device raspberry pi , extract hex string serial port. string reading 0x18f0cb39. need take number , convert proper format , output time , date. manual device programming @

i quite confused when comes converting epoch time , date. put #'s in front of lines having difficulties.

the code have written is:

#!/usr/bin/env python import serial import time serial.port = serial.serial("/dev/ttyusb0", 115200, timeout=0.5) serial.port.write("<command><name>get_time</name><refresh>n</refresh></command>") response=serialport.readline(none) response=serialport.readline(none) response=serialport.readline(none) response=serialport.readline(none) response=serialport.readline(none) mystring=response[13:23] #struct_time = int(raw_input(((mystring >> 40) +1970, (ts >> 32 & 0xff) +1, ts >> 24 & 0xff, ts>> 16))) #thetime=time.strftime("%7-%m-%d-%h-%m-%s) print mystring 

thanks in advance help


looking @ documentation, don't understand how using slice 13:23 time (in hex) out of timecluster response, gist of question , commented out code seems how convert 0x18f0cb39 local date , time?

>>> import time >>> help(time) (output snipped, handy....) >>> t = 0x18f0cb39 >>> time.ctime(t) 'tue apr  5 15:37:29 1983' >>> time.localtime(t) time.struct_time(tm_year=1983, tm_mon=4, tm_mday=5, tm_hour=15, tm_min=37, tm_sec=29, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=95, tm_isdst=0) 

since posted question 6 days ago , today 11th, date in answer seems off 30 years, must doing wrong, maybe take step in right direction or prompt else write better answer you.


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