Php Mysql multisearch functionality -

the issues finding particular businesses based on multi categories. following mysql tables:


id | business_name | cat_id | cat2_id | cat3_id | sub_cat_id | sub_cat2_id | sub_cat3_id 1       bz1            1      2          3         1001          2001         3001 2       bz2            1      2          3         1002          2002         3002 3       bz3            1      2          3         1003          2003         3003 


id | cat_name  1     food  2     restaurants  3     wine 


b_sub_cat_id | b_sub_cat_name | b_maincat_id  1001             donuts          1  1002              xx             1  2001             steakhouse      2  2001              yy             2  3001            white            3  3002             zz              3 

how can find particular business name based on multi category search? example how mysql query need can search through category ie cat_id, cat2_id , cat3_id, sub_cat_id ,sub_cat2_id , sub_cat3_id , return business_name if match found. current query perform 1 cat_id , 1 sub_cat_id search since joining multi categories not returning anything.thanks

what understand post try build below query. try it:

select business_name   business_tbl '1002' in (cat_id, cat2_id , cat3_id, sub_cat_id ,sub_cat2_id, sub_cat3_id) 


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