css - Need help with understanding CSS3 animations -

i trying learn animations in css3 im stuck documentation out there. have code:

h1{         -webkit-animation: movedown 1.s ease-in-out .6s backwards;         -moz-animation: movedown 1s ease-in-out 0.6s backwards;         -o-animation: movedown 1s ease-in-out 0.6s backwards;         -ms-animation: movedown 1s ease-in-out 0.6s backwards;         animation: movedown 1s ease-in-out 0.6s backwards;     }     @-webkit-keyframes movedown{         0% {              -webkit-transform: translatey(-300px);              opacity: 0;         }         100% {              -webkit-transform: translatey(0px);               opacity: 1;         }     }      @-moz-keyframes movedown{         0% {              -moz-transform: translatey(-40px);              opacity: 0;         }         100% {              -moz-transform: translatey(0px);               opacity: 1;         }     }      @-o-keyframes movedown{         0% {              -o-transform: translatey(-40px);              opacity: 0;         }         100% {              -o-transform: translatey(0px);               opacity: 1;         }     } 
  • i understand webkit-animation - animation call each browser.
  • i dont understand modedown. variable?
  • 1s length of animations?
  • ease-in-out dont understand
  • .6s delay
  • i dont backwards nor able find info on it

is timing sequence?

@-moz-keyframes movedown{     0% {          -moz-transform: translatey(-40px);          opacity: 0;     }     100% {          -moz-transform: translatey(0px);           opacity: 1;     } 

ive read this, this , this. mind explaining better me? }

i dont understand modedown. variable?

the animation movedown starts @ opacity:0 , -moz-transform:translatey(-40px) , finishes @ opacity: 1 , -moz-transform: translatey(0px). means starts transparent , shifted 40 pixels above , ends @ regular positioning , opaque.

@-moz-keyframes movedown{     0% {          -moz-transform: translatey(-40px);          opacity: 0;     }     100% {          -moz-transform: translatey(0px);           opacity: 1;     } } 

1s length of animations?


ease-in-out dont understand

ease-in-out animation-timing-function, specifies how transition 0% 100% (or other way). ease in out each in , each out of animation change won't abrupt, example linear change in uniform fashion.

there handy chart on page explains difference better words.

.6s delay


i dont backwards nor able find info on it

backwards , forwards used animation-fill-mode says switch direction animation should go. if forwards chosen animation run 0% (transparent) 100% (opaque), if backwards chosen animation run 100% 0%.

further reading


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