ios - Custom cell is Duplicating the properties of the other cell in the same Tableview -

i using custom cell uitableview in having few uilabels. in 1 label setting it's color red.that working fine me. reloading tableview egorefresh table delegate methods color of label of other cells start changing red color. don't know why problem coming , causing lot of disgust me.

this code tableview datasource method cellforrowatindexpath:

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview willdisplaycell:(uitableviewcell *)cell    forrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath{      // set frame backgroundview of cell.     nsdictionary * insurancedic = [arr_insurance objectatindex:indexpath.row];     insurancedic = [[appdelegate sharedinstance] removenullsfromdictonary:insurancedic];     insurancecell * mycell = (insurancecell *)cell;     if([[insurancedic valueforkey:@"active"] isequaltostring:@"n"]){         //tttregexattributedlabel * label = [[tttregexattributedlabel alloc] init];         mycell.lbl_insurancename.text =  [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@ (%@)",        [insurancedic valueforkey:@"insurance_name"],@"inactive"];         mycell.lbl_insurancename.textcolor = [uicolor redcolor];         //[label settext:cell.lbl_insurancename.text withregex:@"(inactive)" withfont:      [uifont boldsystemfontofsize:12] withcolor:[uicolor redcolor]];     }     else{         mycell.lbl_insurancename.text = [insurancedic valueforkey:@"insurance_name"];     } } 

and on reloading table view these methods problem occuring :

#pragma mark - #pragma mark uiscrollviewdelegate methods  - (void)scrollviewdidscroll:(uiscrollview *)scrollview{ // top pull refresh.     [_refreshheaderview egorefreshscrollviewdidscroll:scrollview];    //for bottom pull refresh.     [pulltobottomrefreshmanager_ tableviewscrolled]; }  - (void)scrollviewdidenddragging:(uiscrollview *)scrollview willdecelerate:    (bool)decelerate{     // top pull refresh.     [_refreshheaderview egorefreshscrollviewdidenddragging:scrollview];     //for bottom pull refresh.     [pulltobottomrefreshmanager_ tableviewreleased]; }   #pragma mark - #pragma mark egorefreshtableheaderdelegate methods  // belowline stop refresh indicator //[_refreshheaderview    egorefreshscrollviewdatasourcedidfinishedloading:self.tableview];  - (void)egorefreshtableheaderdidtriggerrefresh:(egorefreshtableheaderview*)view{     // when going refresh data need reset start varible 1     // , removeallthe previous objects array.     str_start = @"1";     [self getinsurancelist]; }  - (bool)egorefreshtableheaderdatasourceisloading:(egorefreshtableheaderview*)view{       return isreloading; // should return if data source model reloading }  - (nsdate*)egorefreshtableheaderdatasourcelastupdated:    (egorefreshtableheaderview*)view{        return [nsdate date]; // should return date data source last changed  }  #pragma mark - #pragma mark mnmbottompulltorefreshmanagerclient methods - (void)bottompulltorefreshtriggered:(mnmbottompulltorefreshmanager *)manager {     // here incrementing start records per page means start+=recordsperpare     or start+=20.    str_start = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d",[str_start intvalue]+    [str_recordsperpage intvalue]];    [self getinsurancelist]; } 

this code cellforrowatindexpath method:

- (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:       (nsindexpath     *)indexpath{     static nsstring *cellidentifier = @"cell";     insurancecell  * cell = [insurancecell dequeorcreateintable:tableview];      //    uitableviewcell *cell = [tableview       dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier];     if (cell == nil) {       cell = [[[insurancecell alloc] initwithstyle:uitableviewcellstyledefault        reuseidentifier:cellidentifier] autorelease];      }     nsdictionary * insurancedic = [arr_insurance objectatindex:indexpath.row];     insurancedic = [[appdelegate sharedinstance] removenullsfromdictonary:insurancedic];     cell.lbl_insuranceno.text = [insurancedic valueforkey:@"insurance_no"];     cell.lbl_groupno.text = [insurancedic valueforkey:@"group_no"];     cell.lbl_priority.text = [self getprioritydescfromcode:[insurancedic         valueforkey:@"priority"]];     cell.lbl_startdate.text = [insurancedic valueforkey:@"start_date"];     cell.lbl_enddate.text = [insurancedic valueforkey:@"end_date"];     cell.lbl_copay.text = [insurancedic valueforkey:@"copay"];     // condition setting alternate (white/skyblue) background color cell.    //    if (fmod(indexpath.row, 2)==0) {    //        cell.backgroundview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor colorfromrgbintegers:237       green:243 blue:249 alpha:1];    //            //    }    //    else{    //        cell.backgroundview.backgroundcolor = [uicolor colorfromrgbintegers:250   green:250 blue:250 alpha:1];    //    }     cell.selectionstyle = uitableviewcelleditingstylenone;    return cell;  } 

it if add cellforrowatindexpath: implementation.

given information provide suppose reusing cells , not resetting color before. need override - (void)prepareforreuse in insurancecell , reset cell specific properties.

sample implementation:

- (void)prepareforreuse {     [super prepareforreuse];     // reset label text color default color (e.g. black)     self.lbl_insurancename.textcolor = [uicolor blackcolor]; } 

you need implement method within insurancecell.

you need understand, default implementation of cellforrowatindexpath: tableviewcells reused. means need reset every property explicitly, before reuse cell. convenient way this, overriding prepareforreuse method, shown above.


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