backbone.js - Unable to initialize new marionette router -

i trying create new app router within 'products' module shown below using marionette

@myapp.module "productsmodule", (productsmodule, app, backbone, marionette, $, _) ->  class productsmodule.router extends marionette.approuter    approutes:     "products" : "listgoods"   api =   listgoods: ->     console.log('list goods')   app.addinitializer ->   console.log('init app router')   new productsmodule.router     controller: api 

the higher level app code follows

@myapp = (backbone, marionette) ->   app = new marionette.application   app.addregions   headerregion: "#header-region"   mainregion: "#main-region"   footerregion: "#footer-region"   app.on "initialize:after", (options) ->   if backbone.history     backbone.history.start       root: '/admin/'   app 

however after trying run, approuter products module did not run i.e. console.log did not print out console.

am missing here?

update: adding more code show app started

<!doctype html> <html> <head>   <title>admin</title>   <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application", :media => "all" %>   <%= javascript_include_tag "admin" %>   <%= csrf_meta_tags %> </head> <body>   <div id="wrap">     <div id="header-region"></div>     <div id="main-region" class="container">        <a href="#products">sss</a>     </div>   </div>   <div id="footer-region"></div>    //starting app here   <%= javascript_tag %>     $(function() {       myapp.start();     });   <% end %>  </body> </html> 


console.log('init app router')   new productsmodule.router     controller: api 


app.on("initialize:after", function(){/*place code here*/}) 


if backbone.history     backbone.history.start       root: '/admin/' 


app.on("start", function(){/*place code here*/}) 


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