mvc 2 - Simple Model Binding Not Working For Integer -

i'm trying figure out why simple controller action isn't working. i'm trying increase number after every post.


public class viewmodel {     public int number { get; set; } } 


<body>      <% using (html.beginform("test", "invoice"))     { %>         <%: html.editorfor(m => m.number) %>         <%= model.number %>         <input type="submit" value="submit" />     <% } %>  </body> 


public actionresult test() {    var viewmodel = new viewmodel {number = 1};    return view("test", viewmodel); }  [httppost] public actionresult test(viewmodel viewmodel) {     viewmodel.number = viewmodel.number + 1;     return view("test", viewmodel); } 

in controller, viewmodel.number increased 2, when view returned text box contains 1 , model.number displays 2.

am missing something?

the html helpers favor values in modelstate on actual model values.

so if modify model in action need clear modelsate before passing view:

[httppost] public actionresult test(viewmodel viewmodel) {     viewmodel.number = viewmodel.number + 1;     modelstate.clear();     return view("test", viewmodel); } 

you can read more mvc feature in great article: mvc postbacks , htmlhelper controls ignoring model changes


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