internationalization - ActiveAdmin with I8n.js in Rails -

i'm developing rails app activeadmin , i'm using i18n.js js translations.

the problem i8n.js work have set language in every .erb so:

<script type="text/javascript">   i18n.defaultlocale = "<%= i18n.default_locale %>";   i18n.locale = "<%= i18n.locale %>"; </script> 

witch works fine in rest of app (if place in application.erb file) can't find global place put can shared across activeadmin forms.

i don't want repeat code in every form or modify default activeadmin erb (if possible).

so there way share erb code across views?


there 2 ways, think: 1. put code layout views 2. put code separate partial , render in each view (providing there problems layouts)


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