android - Listview items with Animation do not render properly -

have gridview populated bitmaps animate in when bitmap loads asynchronously. when flinging gridview of items not render properly. animation trigger bitmap not show up.

i have confirmed bitmap indeed there (at least data) doesn't render.

this happens when flinging gridview happens on slow scroll well. seems view recycling not working properly. here code:

listview adapter:

@override     public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent)     {         if(convertview == null){             convertview = new flipanimatedcacheableimage(mcontext);         }         final imageinfo info = mapitem(getitem(position));         flipanimatedcacheableimage image = (flipanimatedcacheableimage)convertview;         image.resetstate();         image.settitle(info.title);         image.setsubtitle(info.subtitle);         image.loadimage(info.imgurl, false);         return convertview;     } 

code flipanimatedcacheableimage:

public class flipanimatedcacheableimage extends framelayout {     private static final string tag = flipanimatedcacheableimage.class.getcanonicalname();     protected static final long duration = 300;     private imageview mplaceholder;     private networkedcacheableimageview mcacheableimage;     private view mtextcontainer;     private textview mtitletv;     private textview msubtitletv;     private view mprogress;      private imageloadlistener mlistener = new imageloadlistener()     {          private boolean isshown;           @override         public void onimageloaded(boolean animate)         {             if(animate){                 mprogress.setvisibility(view.gone);                 mplaceholder.setvisibility(view.visible);                 mplaceholder.setrotationy(0);                 mcacheableimage.setvisibility(view.visible);                 mcacheableimage.setrotationy(-90);                 mplaceholder.animate().rotationy(90).setduration(duration).start();                 mcacheableimage.animate().rotationy(0).setduration(duration).setstartdelay(duration).start();                  if(!textutils.isempty(mtitletv.gettext()) || !textutils.isempty(msubtitletv.gettext())){                     mtextcontainer.setvisibility(view.visible);                     mtextcontainer.setalpha(0);                     mtextcontainer.animate().alpha(1).setduration(duration).setstartdelay(duration * 2).start();                 }                 else{                     mtextcontainer.setvisibility(view.gone);                 }                 isshown = true;                 flipanimatedcacheableimage.this.invalidate();             }             else{                 mplaceholder.setvisibility(view.gone);                 mprogress.setvisibility(view.gone);                 mcacheableimage.setvisibility(view.visible);                 mcacheableimage.setrotationy(0);                 mcacheableimage.clearanimation();                  if(!textutils.isempty(mtitletv.gettext()) || !textutils.isempty(msubtitletv.gettext())){                     mtextcontainer.setvisibility(view.visible);                     mtextcontainer.setalpha(1);                 }                 else{                     mtextcontainer.setvisibility(view.gone);                 }                  flipanimatedcacheableimage.this.invalidate();             }         }     };       public flipanimatedcacheableimage(context context, boolean islarge)     {         this(context, null, 0, islarge);     }      public flipanimatedcacheableimage(context context)     {         this(context, null);     }      public flipanimatedcacheableimage(context context, attributeset attrs)     {         this(context, attrs, 0, false);     }      public flipanimatedcacheableimage(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyle, boolean islarge)     {         super(context, attrs, defstyle);         layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(context);          inflater.inflate(r.layout.item_image_thumbnail, this);          mcacheableimage = (networkedcacheableimageview)this.findviewbyid(;         mplaceholder = (imageview)this.findviewbyid(;         mprogress = this.findviewbyid(;          // used small images         mtextcontainer = this.findviewbyid(;         mtitletv = (textview)this.findviewbyid(;         msubtitletv = (textview)this.findviewbyid(;          // listener animate after loading         mcacheableimage.setloadlistener(mlistener);          // set default state         mtextcontainer.setvisibility(view.gone);         mtitletv.setvisibility(gone);         msubtitletv.setvisibility(gone);         if(islarge){             // adjust size correct dimensions, ignore titleand subtitle             framelayout.layoutparams imageparams = new framelayout.layoutparams((int)context.getresources()                 .getdimension(r.dimen.grid_image_width_large), (int)context.getresources().getdimension(                 r.dimen.grid_image_height_large));             findviewbyid(;         }         // this.setonclicklistener(listener);         resetstate();      }      public void resetstate()     {         mcacheableimage.setvisibility(view.visible);         mcacheableimage.setrotationy(0);         mprogress.setvisibility(view.visible);         mplaceholder.setvisibility(view.visible);         mtextcontainer.setvisibility(view.gone);         mtitletv.setvisibility(gone);         msubtitletv.setvisibility(gone);     }       public boolean loadimage(string url, boolean fullsize)     {         return mcacheableimage.loadimage(url, fullsize);     }      public void settitle(string title)     {         mtitletv.settext(title);         if(!textutils.isempty(title)){             mtitletv.setvisibility(view.visible);         }         else{             mtitletv.setvisibility(view.gone);          }     }      public void setsubtitle(string subtitle)     {         msubtitletv.settext(subtitle);         if(!textutils.isempty(subtitle)){             msubtitletv.setvisibility(view.visible);         }         else{             msubtitletv.setvisibility(view.gone);         }     }  } 

flipanimatedcache request image cache written chris banes here

here code:

/*******************************************************************************  * copyright 2011, 2013 chris banes.  *  * licensed under apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");  * may not use file except in compliance license.  * may obtain copy of license @  *  *  *  * unless required applicable law or agreed in writing, software  * distributed under license distributed on "as is" basis,  * without warranties or conditions of kind, either express or implied.  * see license specific language governing permissions ,  * limitations under license.  *******************************************************************************/   /**  * simple extension of cacheableimageview allows downloading of images of  * internet.  *   * code isn't production quality, works enough sample.s  *   * @author chris banes  *   */ public class networkedcacheableimageview extends cacheableimageview {     private static final string tag = networkedcacheableimageview.class.getcanonicalname();       public interface imageloadlistener     {         public void onimageloaded(boolean animate);     }      /**      * task fetches bitmap specified url , wraps in      * wrapper. implementation not 'best practice' or production ready      * code.      */     private static class imageurlasynctask extends asynctask<string, void, cacheablebitmapdrawable>     {          private final bitmaplrucache mcache;         private final weakreference<imageview> mimageviewref;         private final weakreference<networkedcacheableimageview> viewref;         private final bitmapfactory.options mdecodeopts;          private final imageloadlistener mloadlistener;         private boolean outofmemoryfailure;         private string murl;           imageurlasynctask(imageview imageview, bitmaplrucache cache, bitmapfactory.options decodeopts,             imageloadlistener listener, networkedcacheableimageview view)         {             mcache = cache;             mloadlistener = listener;             mimageviewref = new weakreference<imageview>(imageview);             viewref = new weakreference<networkedcacheableimageview>(view);             mdecodeopts = decodeopts;          }          @override         protected cacheablebitmapdrawable doinbackground(string... params)         {             try{                 // return if imageview has disappeared.                 if(null == mimageviewref.get()){                     return null;                 }                  murl = params[0];                  // we're not on main thread can check caches                 cacheablebitmapdrawable result = mcache.get(murl, mdecodeopts);                  if(null == result){                     log.w("cache", "downloading: " + murl);                      // bitmap isn't cached download web                     httpurlconnection conn = (httpurlconnection)new url(murl).openconnection();                     inputstream = new bufferedinputstream(conn.getinputstream());                      // add cache                     result = mcache.put(murl, is, mdecodeopts);                 }                 else{                     log.w("cache", "got disk cache: " + murl);                 }                  return result;              }             catch(ioexception e){                 log.e("error downloading image", e.tostring());             }             catch(outofmemoryerror e){                 log.e(tag, "running out of memory, trimming image memory cache");                 outofmemoryfailure = true;             }              return null;         }          @override         protected void onpostexecute(final cacheablebitmapdrawable result)         {             // super.onpostexecute(result);             if(outofmemoryfailure || result == null || !result.hasvalidbitmap()){                 mcache.trimmemory();                 // viewref.get().loadimageasync(murl, mdecodeopts);                 log.e(tag, "image did not load::" + murl);             }             else{                 if(buildconfig.debug){                     log.d("bitmapcache", "networkedcacheableimageview.imageurlasynctask.onpostexecute() width:"                         + result.getbitmap().getwidth());                     log.d("bitmapcache", "networkedcacheableimageview.imageurlasynctask.onpostexecute() height:"                         + result.getbitmap().getheight());                  }                 log.i(tag, "result :" + murl + " mimageviewref::" + mimageviewref + " outofmemoryfailure::"                     + outofmemoryfailure);                 if(result != null){                     log.i(tag, "result object :" + murl + " result:hasvalidbitmap" + result.hasvalidbitmap()                         + " result:isreferencedbycache" + result.isreferencedbycache() + " result.isbeingdisplayed() "                         + result.isbeingdisplayed());                 }                  runnable runnable = new runnable()                 {                      @override                     public void run()                     {                         if(mimageviewref != null){                             final imageview iv = mimageviewref.get();                             log.e(tag, "result image view reference :" + murl + " view ref::" + iv);                              if(null != iv){                                 iv.setimagedrawable(result);                                 if(mloadlistener != null){                                     mloadlistener.onimageloaded(true);                                 }                             }                          }                      }                 };                  handler handler = new handler();                 handler.postdelayed(runnable, 50);              }             super.onpostexecute(result);         }     }       private final bitmaplrucache mcache;     private imageurlasynctask mcurrenttask;     private imageloadlistener mlistener;       public networkedcacheableimageview(context context, attributeset attrs)     {         super(context, attrs);         mcache = watchapplication.getbitmapcache();      }      public void setloadlistener(imageloadlistener listener)     {         mlistener = listener;     }      public void removelistener()     {         mlistener = null;     }      /**      * loads bitmap.      *       * @param url      *        - url of image      * @param fullsize      *        - whether image should kept @ original size      * @return true if bitmap found in cache      */     public boolean loadimage(string url, final boolean fullsize)     {         setimagedrawable(null);         // first check whether there's task running, if cancel         if(textutils.isempty(url))             return false;         if(null != mcurrenttask){             mcurrenttask.cancel(false);         }          // check see if memory cache has bitmap. can         // safely         // on main thread.         bitmapdrawable wrapper = mcache.getfrommemorycache(url);          if(null != wrapper){             // cache has it, display             if(buildconfig.debug){                 log.w(tag, "cache. found in memory:" + url);             }             setimagedrawable(wrapper);             if(mlistener != null){                 mlistener.onimageloaded(false);             }             return true;         }         else{             // memory cache doesn't have url, threaded request...              bitmapfactory.options decodeopts = null;              if(!fullsize){                 decodeopts = new bitmapfactory.options();                 // decodeopts.indensity = displaymetrics.density_xhigh;                 decodeopts.inpurgeable = true;                 decodeopts.outheight = this.getheight();                 decodeopts.outwidth = this.getwidth();             }              loadimageasync(url, decodeopts);              return false;         }     }      public void loadimageasync(string url, bitmapfactory.options decodeopts)     {         mcurrenttask = new imageurlasynctask(this, mcache, decodeopts, mlistener, this);          if(build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.honeycomb){             sdk11.executeonthreadpool(mcurrenttask, url);         }         else{             mcurrenttask.execute(url);         }     }  } 

thanks in advance help!

two things worth trying -

for chaining animation operations use listener:

mplaceholder.animate()     .alpha(0f)     .scalex(0.9f)     .scaley(0.9f)     .rotationy(90)     .setduration(duration)     .setlistener(new animatorlisteneradapter() {               @override               public void onanimationend(animator animation) {                   mcacheableimage.setimagedrawable(drawable);                   mcacheableimage.animate()                           .alpha(1f)                           .scaley(1f)                           .scalex(1f)                           .rotationy(0)                           .setduration(duration)                           .setlistener(null);               }     }); 

use sethastransientstate() ensure views not recycled in listview/gridview. see devbyte video more info.


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