While loop issue in Java -

this little bit of code.

system.out.print("would continue (y/n)?"); while (!anwser.equals("y")){     anwser = userinput.next();     system.out.println("would continue (y/n)?"); } 

this answer.

> continue (y/n)?  > continue (y/n)? 

why print out again although typed y , conditions not met? after continues code:

a while loop done 0 or more times.

a do while loop done 1 or more times.

for continuation question not care user inputs long 'y' or 'y'. else terminate program. continuation question program wants run once. wrap code in do while loop.

do { // code goes here      system.out.print("would continue (y/n)?");     anwser = userinput.next(); } while (answer.equalsignorecase( "y")); 

as why code not work. perhaps should have assigned value answer before loop starts.


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