json - Facebook Fan Page feed on Website (Age-Protected) -

need in trying posts/wall posts fan page age-gated on facebook show on site.

the fan page age gated let 17 , on view (when logged facebook). but, website behind age gate (locally), want show posts facebook page on site.

i've seen done before, never able @ person's code see how he/she did , can't locate has tried or pulled off.

i've created app on facebook, tied account, able see page on facebook (whether it's age gated or not):

here code

    <?php  function fetchurl($url){   $ch = curl_init();  curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_url, $url);  curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_returntransfer, 1);  curl_setopt($ch, curlopt_timeout, 20);   $feeddata = curl_exec($ch);  curl_close($ch);    return $feeddata;  }  $profile_id = "(page id)";  //app info, needed auth $app_id = "123456789"; $app_secret = "123456789abcdefghij";  $authtoken = fetchurl("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?type=client_cred&client_id={$app_id}&client_secret={$app_secret}");  $json_object = fetchurl("https://graph.facebook.com/{$profile_id}/posts?{$authtoken}");     $feedarray = json_decode($json_object);  echo $json_object;  foreach ( $feedarray->data $feed_data ) {     echo "<h2>{$feed_data->name}</h2><br />";     echo "{$feed_data->message}<br /><br />"; }    ?> 

the code works pages not have age gate, do, returns invalid (the json cannot process since $authtoken returning nothing).

anyone want me figure out?

most of pages accessed app access token restricted retrieve data public facebook pages, 1 can open without logging in. particular case here, posts want pull, age gated page. facebook requires log-in (if aren't already) can decide show or not page. same documented :

to read page need:

  1. an app or user access token public , non-demographically restricted pages
  2. a user access_token restricted pages current user able view (no special permissions required)

so need utilize user access token access page facebook may allow application access page's posts.


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