url rewriting - php htaccess url rewrite issue -

im trying url rewrite work , im not getting where. want have 3 pages 1 music , general products , other mvies, each have query string of &pagetype=general etc url http://shopnbuy.vacau.com/browse/computers.html?pagetype=general redirect general_products.php , there music_products , movie_products. have same url except there different parameter &pagetype=. below htaccess file first attempt @ doing this

# not remove line, otherwise mod_rewrite rules stop working rewritebase /  rewriteengine on  rewriterule ^browse/([a-za-z0-9_-])\.html general_products.php?department=$1&pagetype=general rewriterule ^browse/([a-za-z0-9_-])\.html music_products.php?department=$1&pagetype=music rewriterule ^browse/([a-za-z0-9_-])\.html movie_products.php?department=$1&pagetype=movie  url suppose http://shopnbuy.vacau.com/browse/computers.html 

all im getting error each url rewrite

i don't know htacess, used lately , found out can't use "/" effectively. suggest change "_".

as far understand, may due "/" works 1 indicating each argument (i mean / b sorta logic)

not sure if explain myself correctly, hoping knowledgeable corrects me since i'm eager learn well.

rewriterule ^browse_computers / general_products.php?department=$1&pagetype=general ([a-za-z0-9_-])

rewriterule ^browse_music / music_products.php?department=$1&pagetype=music ([a-za-z0-9_-]) rewriterule ^browse_movies / movie_products.php?department=$1&pagetype=movie ([a-za-z0-9_-])

the result, however, this: http://shopnbuy.vacau.com/browse_computers


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