URL Rewrite rule not working on nginx -

i want make url rewrite in apache within nginx. give location based request more url friendly look. keep getting 404 page not found.

server {    # site definitions (...)    # fastcgi defitions (...)    location / {      # code make wp super cache work (...)      rewrite ^/ads/category/(.*)/(.*)$ /ads/category/$1?location=$2 permanent;     rewrite ^/category/(.*)/(.*)$ /ads/category/$1?location=$2 last;     rewrite ^/category/(.*)$ /ads/category/$1 last;    } } 

i'm putting above code within virtual host definition /etc/nginx/sites-enable/mysite. far dont know real method debug going on.

instead of defining rewrite rules in single location / {} block; try this:

# site definitions (...)  location / {     # code make wp super cache work (...)      # remove following line if have index @ site definitions..     index index.php;      try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;   }    if (!-f $request_filename) {        rewrite ^/ads/category/(.*)/(.*)$ /ads/category/$1?location=$2 permanent;        rewrite ^/category/(.*)/(.*)$ /ads/category/$1?location=$2 break;        rewrite ^/category/(.*)$ /ads/category/$1 break;   }   # fastcgi defitions (...) 

i know if evil in nginx world problematic when used in location {} block similar configuration working charm on virtual server.


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