Making IOS Facebook post with a picture, link to Facebook app page and additional message -

i make facebook post ios app, contains link facebook page of app , contains link jpg picture on amazon. also, include additional message it.

the post parameters want post facebook, are:

[self.postparams addentriesfromdictionary:[[nsdictionary alloc] initwithobjectsandkeys: @"myappname!", @"name",  @"the app iphone!", @"caption",  @"i playing friends. please , join app?!", @"description", [uploadedurl description], @"link",                                                            [uploadedurl description], @"picture",                                                            nil]]; 

in current code, have now:

[fbrequestconnection                  startwithgraphpath:@"me/feed"                  parameters:self.postparams                  httpmethod:@"post"                  completionhandler:^(fbrequestconnection *connection,                                      id result,                                      nserror *error) {                      nsstring *alerttext;                      if (error) {                          alerttext = [nsstring stringwithformat:                                       @"error: domain = %@, code = %d",                                       error.domain, error.code];                      } else {                          alerttext = [nsstring stringwithformat:                                       @"facebook post succesfully"];                      }                      // show result in alert                      [[[uialertview alloc] initwithtitle:@"result"                                                  message:alerttext                                                 delegate:self                                        cancelbuttontitle:@"ok!"                                        otherbuttontitles:nil]                       show];                  }]; 

however, cannot find way include link facebook page. in "myappname!", url embedded, facebook asks complicated "action types" create page. want standard facebook page refer to!


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