c# - windows form will run in background automatically -

i develop windows form this

source folder:         destination folder:     start button 

i set timer after every 2 minutes program run. , move shortcut of application in start folder. want after first time press start button program form close run in background , every time log on pc .exe run in background automatically. mean want after 1st time press start button form never come ui, run in background. please me how able that. if don't understand query please let me know.

you need work upon communication. question phrased badly. there 2 option, either process or command line in windows start

processstartinfo psi = new processstartinfo(realcmd.tostring(),realargs.tostring());                     if (domainname != null)                         psi.domain = domainname;                     psi.username = realusername;                     psi.password = securepassword;                     psi.createnowindow = true;                      psi.useshellexecute = false;  

if this, window shown uppon execution.

the command launch programs command-line in windows "start"

starts separate window run specified program or command.

start ["title"] [/d path] [/i] [/min] [/max] [/separate | /shared]       [/low | /normal | /high | /realtime | /abovenormal | /belownormal]       [/affinity <hex affinity>] [/wait] [/b] [command/program]       [parameters]      "title"     title display in  window title bar.     path        starting directory     b           start application without creating new window.                 application has ^c handling ignored. unless application                 enables ^c processing, ^break way interrupt                 application               new environment original environment passed                 cmd.exe , not current environment.     min         start window minimized     max         start window maximized     separate    start 16-bit windows program in separate memory space     shared      start 16-bit windows program in shared memory space     low         start application in idle priority class     normal      start application in normal priority class     high        start application in high priority class     realtime    start application in realtime priority class     abovenormal start application in abovenormal priority class     belownormal start application in belownormal priority class     affinity    new application have specified processor                 affinity mask, expressed hexadecimal number.     wait        start application , wait terminate 

you may want use min option start program minimized
