Android Maps v2 API...How to calculate distance between two locations (Lat, long) -

in "native" android app i'm trying calculate distance in feet and/or meters (as crow flies) between 2 locations on map. ideally there method take 2 latlng values (as have readily available) input , return distance in meters and/or yards. noted above i'm using android maps v2 api.

i've looked @ many postings (20-30) regarding calculating distances , haven't found have helped me resolve issue. again native android application , i'm using maps v2 api.

not sure if best approach i'm trying use location method:

distancebetween(double startlatitude, double startlongitude, double endlatitude, double endlongitude, float[] results) 

but unfortunately app crashes every time because null value results. have verified via debugger latitude , longitude dummy values i'm passing in valid , value of results null (hence problem). here logcat:

04-04 23:48:04.770: d/onmapclick(17970): lat/lng: (32.90843038503306,-117.22537234425546) 04-04 23:48:08.710: d/dalvikvm(17970): threadid=1: still suspended after undo (sc=1 dc=1 s=y) 04-04 23:48:08.710: d/dalvikvm(17970): gc_for_malloc freed 7010 objects / 641712 bytes in 121ms 04-04 23:48:24.980: d/androidruntime(17970): shutting down vm 04-04 23:48:24.980: w/dalvikvm(17970): threadid=1: thread exiting uncaught exception (group=0x40020950) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970): fatal exception: main 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970): java.lang.illegalargumentexception: results null or has length < 1 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ android.location.location.distancebetween( 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ com.example.googleplacesandmaps.placesmapactivity$1.onmapclick( 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @$6.onmapclick(unknown source) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @$a.ontransact(unknown source) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ android.os.binder.transact( 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @$stub$proxy.onmapclick( 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ maps.i.s.b(unknown source) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ maps.y.v.c(unknown source) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ source) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ maps.d.v.onsingletapconfirmed(unknown source) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ maps.d.j.handlemessage(unknown source) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ android.os.looper.loop( 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @$ 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ 04-04 23:48:25.100: e/androidruntime(17970):    @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 

here method i'm using try , calculate distance:

            location.distancebetween(double.parsedouble(user_latitude), double.parsedouble(user_longitude),                 fxdlatitude, fxdlongitude, results); 

the results defined class variable: private float[] results = null;

not sure i'm doing wrong here.

again i'd rather have method take 2 latlng's input parameters because both readily available...but perhaps more importantly have 1 of locations available separate longitude, latitude values...the second location available latlng value because via onmapclick (when user taps screen). use method distancebetween i'd need someway convert latlng value latitude/longitude pair able use it. know how that?

hopefully there simple way of calculating distances , simple way "extract" latitude/longitude latlng value.

what making location object 2 ?

private float distancebetween(latlng latlng1, latlng latlng2) {          location loc1 = new location(locationmanager.gps_provider);         location loc2 = new location(locationmanager.gps_provider);          loc1.setlatitude(latlng1.latitude);         loc1.setlongitude(latlng1.longitude);          loc2.setlatitude(latlng2.latitude);         loc2.setlongitude(latlng2.longitude);           return loc1.distanceto(loc2);     } 


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