sql - Why are functions within a stored procedure identified as dependencies but not stored procedures called from a stored procedure? -

i carrying out impact analysis on our sql server database in preparation scope of work have been handed.

i listing dependencies on objects identifying included in scope of work.

one table has trigger includes scalar function , stored procedure. when view dependencies don't see stored procedure.

i'd better understand why , if there better way work out nothing missed?

can junior out please?

i believe should show references looking for.

select object_name(referencing_id) referencing_entity_name,      o.type_desc referencing_desciption,      coalesce(col_name(referencing_id, referencing_minor_id), '(n/a)') referencing_minor_id,      referencing_class_desc, referenced_class_desc,     referenced_server_name, referenced_database_name, referenced_schema_name,     referenced_entity_name,      coalesce(col_name(referenced_id, referenced_minor_id), '(n/a)') referenced_column_name,     is_caller_dependent, is_ambiguous sys.sql_expression_dependencies sed inner join sys.objects o on sed.referencing_id = o.object_id referencing_id = object_id(n'{theobjectname}'); 

see: sys.sql_expression_dependencies


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