php - Magento: Barcode on Printed Invoice using Zend Barcode and Zend PDF -

i trying barcode rendered zend barcode on magento invoice generated zend pdf

my standalone test barcode script looks , generate pdf document barcode , text 'testing' intended.

$pdf = new zend_pdf(); $page = new zend_pdf_page(zend_pdf_page::size_a4); $page->setfont(zend_pdf_font::fontwithname(zend_pdf_font::font_helvetica), 20);  //$font = zend_pdf_font::fontwithname(zend_pdf_font::font_times_roman); zend_barcode::setbarcodefont('gothic.ttf');  $filename= 'barcode.pdf';  $barcodeno = '99700161bst004008501022006714';  $barcodeoptions = array(     'text' => $barcodeno,      'barheight'=> 74,      'factor'=>3.98,     //'fontsize' =>20,      //'drawtext'=> false );   $rendereroptions = array(); $renderer = zend_barcode::factory(     'code128', 'pdf', $barcodeoptions, $rendereroptions )->setresource($pdf, $page)->draw();   $page->drawtext('test', 25, 720, 'utf-8');   $pdf->pages[] = $page; $pdf->save($filename); 

the magento invoices pdf initiated so.

   $pdf = new zend_pdf();         $this->_setpdf($pdf);         $style = new zend_pdf_style();         $this->_setfontbold($style, 10);          foreach ($invoices $invoice) {             if ($invoice->getstoreid()) {                 mage::app()->getlocale()->emulate($invoice->getstoreid());                 mage::app()->setcurrentstore($invoice->getstoreid());             }             $page = $pdf->newpage(zend_pdf_page::size_a4);             $pdf->pages[] = $page;              $order = $invoice->getorder();              /* add image */             $this->insertlogo($page, $invoice->getstore()); 

.../* continue building invoice */...

the adapted barcode script inserted below of items so.

   /* start barcode */                 $page->setfont(zend_pdf_font::fontwithname(zend_pdf_font::font_helvetica), 20);                 zend_barcode::setbarcodefont('/srv/magento/media/fonts/gothic.ttf');                  $barcodeoptions = array(                     'text' => $trackingnumber,                      'barheight'=> 74,                      'factor'=>3.98                 );                  $rendereroptions = array('height'=> 800,'width'=> 800);                 $renderer = zend_barcode::factory(                     'code128', 'pdf', $barcodeoptions, $rendereroptions                 )->setresource($pdf, $page)->draw();       /* end barcode */ 

however when running in magento invoice pdf doc returns error call member function getheight() on non-object in lib/zend/barcode/renderer/pdf.php on line 124.

line 124 contains

protected function _initrenderer() {     if ($this->_resource === null) {         $this->_resource = new zend_pdf();         $this->_resource->pages[] = new zend_pdf_page(             zend_pdf_page::size_a4         );     }      $pdfpage = $this->_resource->pages[$this->_page];     $this->_adjustposition($pdfpage->getheight(), $pdfpage->getwidth()); } 

which appears requesting pdfpage height, can't see why fail when put in barcode script and/or why pdfpage->getheight fail there.

i have came accross same problem.the problem in code below:

$renderer = zend_barcode::factory('code128', 'pdf', $barcodeoptions,                  $rendereroptions)->setresource($pdf, $page)->draw(); 

the $page variable gave serresource actual pdf page. should page number. example code below draw barcode on first page. change $pageno according need.

/* start barcode */             $page->setfont(zend_pdf_font::fontwithname(zend_pdf_font::font_helvetica), 20);             zend_barcode::setbarcodefont('/srv/magento/media/fonts/gothic.ttf');              $barcodeoptions = array(                 'text' => $trackingnumber,                  'barheight'=> 74,                  'factor'=>3.98             );             $pageno = 0;             $rendereroptions = array('height'=> 800,'width'=> 800);             $renderer = zend_barcode::factory(                 'code128', 'pdf', $barcodeoptions, $rendereroptions             )->setresource($pdf, $pageno)->draw();   /* end barcode */ 


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