php - how do i passing checkbox to another page using javascript? -

how pass checkbox value page using javascript have code below can't pass checkbox values retrieving fields mysql database table records?


<script type="text/javascript"> function getvalue(checkbox) { var sstr2 = "search.php?color="+ encodeuri(document.getelementbyid('color').checked); window.location.href = sstr2; return false; } </script> 


<form action="" name="color1" id="color1" method="post">  <?php $querycolor=mysql_query("select count(id) cnt, color, id  products group color order id");  while($rowcolor=mysql_fetch_array($querycolor)) { $colors=$rowcolor['cnt']."<br />"; $colorid=$rowcolor['id']; ?> <input name="color" type="checkbox" id="color" value="<?php echo $rowcolor['color'];?>" onclick="getvalue(this.value)" >   <font class="font1"> <?php echo $rowcolor['color'];?>&nbsp;<?php echo $colors ?></font><br />  <?php }?></form> 

<script type="text/javascript"> function getvalue(checkbox) {  var sstr2 = "search.php?color="+ encodeuri(checkbox); window.location.href = sstr2; return false; } </script> 

you passing value of checkbox. not passing checkbox...

see, code


which says, checkbox's value if clicked... remember, solution not check if checkbox selected or unselected, checks if clicked, value gets passed..

good way stuff check boxes id/name , see how many of them selected, , pass of them url..

var allvals = [];      $('#color:checked').each(function() {        allvals.push($(this).val());      });      $('#t').val(allvals) 


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