jnlp - Java web start is not downloading respective JRE automatically -
i heard java web start download latest jre automatically. not doing that. here issue.
#### java web start error: #### java.lang.unsupportedclassversionerror: jvmcfre003 bad major version; class=com/ibm/nzna/projects/qit/qit, offset=6
i know getting because have compiled code on jdk 7 , machine have jdk 6. please advice if need mentioned specific line in jnlp file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- not edit! last regenerated 2012-11-11 05:50 pst replicatorsender --> <!doctype jnlp public "-//sun microsystems, inc//dtd jnlp descriptor 6.0//en" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/jnlp-6.0.dtd"> <!-- doctype points sun, not oracle compatibility. --> <jnlp spec="6.0+" codebase="sample" href="qit_fester.jnlp" version="6.5.2"> <information> <title>quest input tool fester 6.5.2</title> <vendor>ashish tyagi</vendor> <description>quest input tool helps software , technology group publish information product , document</description> <description kind="short">quest input tool fester</description> <description kind="one-line">quest input tool fester</description> <description kind="tooltip">qit-fester</description> <!-- relative codebase, need copy in same dir jar, , jnlp file. --> <icon href="logo_fester.jpg" width="64" height="64" kind="default" /> <icon href="qit_splash.gif" width="128" height="128" kind="splash" /> <!-- online --> <!-- create desktop shortcut run replicator --> <offline-allowed/> <shortcut online="true"> <desktop /> <menu submenu="qit" /> </shortcut> </information> <security> <all-permissions /> </security> <update check="background" policy="prompt-update" /> <resources> <!-- vendor --> <java version="1.6+" java-vm-args="-ea" initial-heap-size="128m" max-heap-size="512m" /> <!-- application code, download jar before start. --> <jar href="qit_ver3.1.jar" main="true" download="eager" /> <jar href="lib/mail.jar" download="lazy" /> <jar href="lib/activation.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/bootstrap.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/commons-discovery.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/commons-logging-api.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/db2jcc.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/db2jcc_license_cu.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/htmlwindow.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/j2ee.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/jaxp-api.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/jtidy.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/jxl.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/kunststoff.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/lotuswordprocessor.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/ras.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/sax.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/webservices.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/wsexception.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/xerces.jar" download="lazy"/> <jar href="lib/resource.jar" download="lazy"/> <!-- set -d system properties --> <property name="via" value="website" /> <property name="authentication" value="none" /> <property name="debugging" value="false" /> </resources> <!-- application class main method --> </jnlp>
the problem (99% sure) code being compiled using 1.7 sdk without using cross-compilation options.
note cross-compilation properly require access rt.jar
of 1.6 version jre or sdk.
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