sorting - checkbox sort in datatable using jquery -

ive been trying sort checkbox field in datatable jquery plugin check , uncheck.

im creating input(checkbox) inside datatable followed:

'<input type="checkbox" '+ check +' />' 

check containing text "checked" or "".

so far tried add dom-checkbox type of sort, followed:

{ "ssortdatatype": "dom-checkbox" } 

when use entire code provided in plugin web, error : uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'afnsortdata' of undefined inside console.

problem : pressing on column header wont sort column checked or unchecked checkbox . suggestions how fix error or way sort using jquery , plugin's methods


edit: tried fixed code, no error.. sorting messed up..its replacing each other not sorting.. example: if have 1 checkbox checked , 9 arent, checked checkbox switching third place sixth , again third , on.

what did creatinga bool var in hidden p in sameplace checkbox.than disabled option of change value in checkbox , sorting working.


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