jquery - Django tastypie XMLHttpRequest cannot load -

i have been reading xmlhttprequest past hour, can seem make work.. so, have django server tastypie , javascript client on server/port, , when try jquery post

xmlhttprequest cannot load origin http://localhost not allowed access-control-allow-origin. 

i xmlthhprequest error message on client-side

django code:

class ratingresource(modelresource): city = fields.foreignkey(cityresource, 'city') user = fields.foreignkey(userresource, 'user') class meta:     queryset = rating.objects.all()     resource_name = 'rating'     #authentication = basicauthentication()     #authorization = djangoauthorization() 

my jquery call posting localhost:80 localhost:8000:

$('#star').raty({   path: "../assets/img/",   score    : rating,   click : function(score, evt) {       window.rate_app = score;       var url = "";       //var comment = $('#textarea').val();       var comment = "teste php";       console.log(cityid);         $.post(url,{city : '/api/smart/city/'+cityid+'/' ,comment : comment,id:'4',resource_uri:'/api/smart/rating/4/',rating : score, user: '/api/smart/auth/user/2/'},function(data,status){           if (data=="error")               console.log("error");           else               console.log("success");       });    } }); 


http/1.0 401 unauthorized

curl --dump-header - -h "content-type: application/json" -x post --data '{"city": "/api/smart/city/35/", "comment": "teste php", "id": "4", "resource_uri": "/api/smart/rating/4/", "rating": "3","user_id": "/api/smart/auth/user/2/"}' `http://localhost:8000/api/smart/rating/` http/1.0 401 unauthorized date: mon, 08 apr 2013 10:52:44 gmt server: wsgiserver/0.1 python/2.7.3 access-control-allow-origin: * access-control-allow-methods: post,get,options,put,delete content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 access-control-allow-headers: content-type,* access-control-allow-credentials: true 

what doing wrong?

hi think making cross origin request.

to initiate cross-origin request, browser sends request origin http header. value of header site served page.

to allows request, sends access-control-allow-origin header in response. value of header indicates origin sites allowed.

access-control-allow-origin: localhost:80 

essentially need allow options request on server side sends access-control-allow-origin header

please go through better idea

cross domain post query using cross-origin resource sharing getting no data back


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