ios4 - Multiple push notifications on 1 device - iPhone -
how handle multiple push notifications on 1 device e.g:
a user receives notification saying have 1 new message app. before checks message message comes in has 2. don't want 2 messages stacked in notification bar, want 1 notification saying there 2 messages waiting. how implement this?
and if on device got 5 new notification , user taps last notification how got previous notification userinfo
- (void)application:(uiapplication *)application didreceiveremotenotification:(nsdictionary *)userinfo
regarding first question, won't able this. notifications seperate events, , notificationcenter won't (and can't) merge them.
push notifications aren't meant deliver (much) information, hence, cannot rely on reading userinfo objects. example, if user closes notification alert , deletes without reading it?
what should use push notifications tell app "something has happened". app should fetch information server. i.e, if user taps on last notification, app still download information linked 5 notifications.
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