Meteor.js hidden input on form gets blank when populating with same value -
i had in template called "todo_form":
<input type="hidden" id="priority" value="{{todo.priority}}">
i had "rendered" callback setup on form read value hidden input, , setup jquery ui slider it. form populated clicking on todo list (via registered session var, "active_todo").
so, if click todo priority of 10, , click other todo same priority $('#priority').val()
return blank... worked fine long clicked on todo different priority. verified using console - field getting set blank!
my solution instead check registered "active_todo" , pull priority it, had update hidden input: $("#priority").val(active_todo.priority)
anybody got ideas? here's original (non working) rendered callback:
template.todo_form.rendered = -> priority = $( "#priority" ).val(); $( "#priority-slider" ).slider( range: "min" value: priority min: 1 max: 10 orientation: 'vertical' slide: ( event, ui ) -> $( "#priority" ).val( ui.value) )
and here how "fixed" it:
template.todo_form.rendered = -> active_todo = session.get('active_todo'); $("#priority-slider" ).slider( range: "min" value: active_todo.priority min: 1 max: 10 orientation: 'vertical' slide: ( event, ui ) -> $("#priority").val( ui.value) ) $("#priority").val(active_todo.priority) # shouldn't have this!!!
it's bit difficult understand you're trying accomplish, believe want have slider value shows priority of selected todo item, , want make possible change value slider.
if so, hidden input isn't necessary. need make "current todo" reactive data source. , have "active_todo" session variable. here's suggest, in javascript (this on-the-fly , untested):
var priocomp; template.todo_form.rendered = function() { $("#priority-slider").slider({ range: 'min', value: 1, min: 1, max: 10 start: function() { priocomp.stop(); }, stop: function(event, ui) { session.get('active_todo').priority = ui.value; trackpriority(); } }); trackpriority(); }; function trackpriority () { priocomp = deps.autorun(function() { $("#priority-slider").slider('value', session.get('active_todo').priority); }); }
like said, untested, maybe bug or 2 in here, @ least @ code , try understand i'm attempting.
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