angularjs - Can ngAnimate be used without defining CSS3 classes or JavaScript? -

is possible use nganimate without css3 or javascript? let's if need toggle opacity, can in markup?

<div ng-show='foo == 'yes'' ng-animate="show: 'opacity:1', hide: 'opacity:0'" > </div> 

animation in browser either needs happen (1) letting browser's rendering engine handle via css, or (2) controlling javascript. so, somewhere, 1 of these 2 things needs happen.

that said, build own directive builds correct css and/or javascript on fly , attaches/applies given element, believe using nganimate provided easier.

an example coming nganimate first time:


<div ng-show="foo == 'yes'" ng-animate="{show: 'fade'}"></div> 


.enter-fade {   -webkit-transition: 1s linear opacity;   -moz-transition: 1s linear opacity;   -o-transition: 1s linear opacity;   transition: 1s linear opacity;    opacity: 0; }  .enter-fade.enter-fade-active {   opacity: 1; } 

or, if you're supporting browsers don't support css3 transitions, can transition javascript instead:

mymodule.animation('fade', function() {   return {      setup : function(element) {       element.css({'opacity': 0});      },     start : function(element, done, memo) {       element.animate({'opacity': 1}, function() {         done();        });     }   }; }); 

you can find more information @ these great yearofmoo articles:


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