javascript - Need Parent Buttons Outside iFrame to Call JS Functions Loaded Inside the iFrame -
this weird question , hate iframes, using phonegap , codiqa mobile application development , codiqa outputs html , outside forms want incorporate within codiqa's html loads in iframes. codiqa uses div id referencing when click menu item, loads page id in html , in parent window loads iframe inside div. also, parent window has own submit, reset, , buttons. need buttons call , use functions page loads within iframe...
apparently, exact opposite of how parent.myfunction() works, , wonder if possible or if need recreate code , not use iframes, clueless how can go that. php includes don't work have come find out... thanks! or maybe need move js files each form parent folders , have link forms separately? don't know... please advise. here example of 1 of page ids:
html (codiqa)
<a href="#page17" data-transition="flip"> extracting </a> <div data-role="page" id="page17"> <div data-theme="a" data-role="header"> <h3>extracting</h3> </div> <div data-role="content"> <iframe src="extraction/extract_form.html" name="cable_extraction_worksheet" class="contentiframe"></iframe> </div> <div data-role="tabbar" data-iconpos="left" data-theme="a"> <ul> <li> <a href="#page1" data-transition="flip" data-theme="" data-icon="arrow-l"> </a> </li> <li> <a href="#" data-transition="none" data-theme="" data-icon="minus"> reset </a> </li> <li>//this button, , js function need call onclick <a onclick="uploaddata();" data-transition="none" data-theme="" data-icon="check"> submit </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div>
iframe's js function
function uploaddata() { //read of data page (eid in extractform) { extractform[eid] = document.getelementbyid(eid).value; } upload_extractform(); } function upload_extractform() { $.ajax({ type: 'post', url: './php/upload_extractform.php', data: extractform, async: false, datatype: 'text', success: function() { alert("thank you. extraction form has been submitted."); }, error: function(jqxhr, textstatus, errorthrown) { alert("error... " + textstatus + "\n" + errorthrown); } }); };
i think looking for:
is reliable?? doesn't work in browsers or function has jquery in it, of mine do. want verify, thanks.
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