user interface - Output device for R that allows to manipulate variables with sliders (or other GUI elements)? -

i want plot data , manipulate variables used in plot (here: rangemin , rangemax). consequences of variable change should directly visible in plot.

i'd have gui elements (e.g. slider) can use changing variable values of rangemin , rangemax , call rangeplot() function.

is there output device in r, provides gui-elements?

# generate example data n <- 100 x <- 1:n y <- x + (runif(n) * 25)  # rangemin: value i'd manipulate using sliders # rangemax: value i'd manipulate using sliders rangeplot <- function(x, y, rangemin, rangemax) {   plot(x, y)    # linear regression using datapoints a range   plotrange <- c(rangemin:rangemax)    # linear model (y mapped on x)   linreg = lm(formula = y[plotrange] ~ x[plotrange])   abline(linreg, col=2)    # highlight points used liniar regression   points(x[plotrange], y[plotrange], col=2, pch=3)    # show slope , intercept in plot   text(     x=min(x),     y=max(y),     paste0(       "intercept: ", linreg$coefficients[1],       "\nslope: ", linreg$coefficients[2]       ),     adj=c(0, 1)   ) }  # manual call rangeplot(x=x, y=y, rangemin=1,     rangemax=n) rangeplot(x=x, y=y, rangemin=0.2*n, rangemax=0.8*n) rangeplot(x=x, y=y, rangemin=50, rangemax=60) # 

to elaborate on comments. manipulate package rstudio makes such things easy. package works within rstudio. if want use same syntax without rstudio, there example in gwidgets2 (no need gwidgetsmanipulate):

require(tcltk); require(tkrplot) require(gwidgets2)                      # require(devtools); install_github(c("gwidgets2", "gwidgets2tcltk"), "jverzani") options(guitoolkit="tcltk") source(system.file("examples", "manipulate.r", package="gwidgets2"))  w <- gwindow("manipulate example", visible=false)  manipulate({   y <- get(distribution)(size)   plot(density(y, bw=bandwidth/100, kernel=kernel))   points(y, rep(0, size)) },            ##            distribution=picker("normal"="rnorm", "exponential"="rexp"),            kernel=picker("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular",              "triangular", "cosine"),            size=picker(5, 50, 100, 200, 300),            bandwidth=slider(0.05 * 100, 2.00 * 100, step=0.05 * 100, initial=1* 100), # integers needed            button=button("refresh"),             container=w            ) visible(w) <- true 

the guis better either rgtk2 or qt backends, bit harder install.


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