php - A mysql query from multiple tables without anything in common -

edit: sorry guys, didn't knew can 3 select queries on same page that, thought limit 1 query/page , not 1 type of query/page. i've solved problem dividing multiple queries, question still remain (just out of curiosity): possible query multiple tables without when clause connects tables and without getting cartesian product?

thanks replies, many "divide multiple queries" replies made me "what easy?" :). original question below:

i'm pretty new mqsql , ran obnoxious cartesian product. i'm trying query 3 tables don't have column in common (actually there connection between second , third table, ignore it). i've got tables t1(c1,c2,c3), t2(c4,c5), t3(c6,c7) , like:

$query="select * t1, t2, t3"; $request=  mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($query); $i=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($request)) {     $array1[$i]=$row['c1'];     $array2[$i]=$row['c2'];     $array3[$i]=$row['c3'];     $array4[$i]=$row['c4'];     $array5[$i]=$row['c5'];     $value6=$row['c6'][1];     $value7=$row['c7'][1];     $i++; } 

all want arrays 1-7 on same php page (without adding framesets/frames ecc.)? i've tried breaking in multiple queries after guy's example didn't work.

edit: example data


---------------------------- fruit_id | f_name | f_color ---------------------------- 1        | apple  | red 2        | banana | yellow 


---------------------------- player_id | player_name ---------------------------- 1         | john 2         | scott 3         | mike 4         | george 


---------------------------- other_id | other_name ---------------------------- 1        | alex 

i want able in same page arrays $fruit_id values ['1','2'], $f_name ['apple','banana'], $f_color ['red','green'], $player_id['1','2','3','4'] ecc..

it not have mysql, long arrays.

  1. what doing in example performing cartesian product of 3 tables. means every combination of tuples contained in 3 tables displayed.

    this not looking for, should have @ joins, limit number of rows.

    mysql supports set operations union if want venture in more complicated , nested queries. advice sticking joins

  2. if data not connected in way, try issuing multiple queries (without trying fit 1 single sql statement), , output data manually in whichever form want display them.

whithout more information you're doing, cannot give other advice


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