sql - postgresql-8.4 text search is not working -

i tried implement full/partial text search using postgresql-8.4 & django

select * fts body_tsvector @@ plainto_tsquery('english','hello welcome') 

available records are

'hello world' 'hello old world' 'hi welcome' 

but result of query not expected,which displays 0 records,.how partial/full text search possible using plainto_tsquery?thanks in advance.

it looks expecting plainto_tsquery perform | (or) query. the docs state:

plainto_tsquery transforms unformatted text querytext tsquery. text parsed , normalized to_tsvector, & (and) boolean operator inserted between surviving words.

so want must parse text yourself, create ts_query | operator.

select * fts  body_tsvector @@ to_tsquery('english','hello | welcome'); 


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