charts - Highcharts: Stacked column with Drilldown -

i'm trying implement stacked column drilldown, think there's bug, when click , return original chart columns change "transparent", or i'm doing wrong?

here js:

i'm using 3 categories:

var chart; $(document).ready(function() {    var colors = highcharts.getoptions().colors,       categories = ['msie', 'firefox','chrome'], 

take code, think can you.

var chart; $(document).ready(function() {     var colors = highcharts.getoptions().colors,       categories = ['msie', 'firefox', 'chrome', 'safari', 'opera'],       name = 'browser brands',       level = 0,       data = [{              y: 55.11,             color: colors[0],             drilldown: {                 type: 'pie',                name: 'msie versions',                categories: ['msie 8.0', 'msie 6.0', 'msie 7.0', 'msie 9.0'],                level: 1,                 data: [11,10.85, 7.35, 2.41],                color: colors[0]             }          }, {              y: 21.63,             color: colors[1],             drilldown: {                 type: 'pie',                name: 'firefox versions',                categories: ['firefox 3.6', 'firefox 4.0', 'firefox 3.5', 'firefox 3.0', 'firefox 2.0'],                data: [13.52, 5.43, 1.58, 0.83, 0.20],                color: colors[1]             }          }, {             y: 11.94,             color: colors[2],             drilldown: {                 type: 'pie',                name: 'chrome versions',                categories: ['chrome 10.0', 'chrome 11.0', 'chrome 8.0', 'chrome 9.0', 'chrome 12.0',                    'chrome 6.0', 'chrome 5.0', 'chrome 7.0'],                data: [9.91, 0.50, 0.36, 0.32, 0.22, 0.19, 0.12, 0.12],                color: colors[2]             }          }, {             y: 7.15,             color: colors[3],             drilldown: {                 type: 'pie',                name: 'safari versions',                categories: ['safari 5.0', 'safari 4.0', 'safari win 5.0', 'safari 4.1', 'safari/maxthon',                    'safari 3.1', 'safari 41'],                data: [4.55, 1.42, 0.23, 0.21, 0.20, 0.19, 0.14],                color: colors[3]             }          }, {             y: 2.14,             color: colors[4],             drilldown: {                 type: 'pie',                name: 'opera versions',                categories: ['opera 11.x', 'opera 10.x', 'opera 9.x'],                data: [1.65, 0.37, 0.12],                color: colors[4]             }          }],        data2 = [{              y: 21.63,             color: colors[1],             drilldown: {                name: 'firefox versions',                categories: ['firefox 3.6', 'firefox 4.0', 'firefox 3.5', 'firefox 3.0', 'firefox 2.0'],                data: [13.52, 5.43, 1.58, 0.83, 0.20],                color: colors[1]             }          }, {             y: 11.94,             color: colors[2],             drilldown: {                name: 'chrome versions',                categories: ['chrome 10.0', 'chrome 11.0', 'chrome 8.0', 'chrome 9.0', 'chrome 12.0',                    'chrome 6.0', 'chrome 5.0', 'chrome 7.0'],                data: [9.91, 0.50, 0.36, 0.32, 0.22, 0.19, 0.12, 0.12],                color: colors[2]             }          }, {             y: 7.15,             color: colors[3],             drilldown: {                name: 'safari versions',                categories: ['safari 5.0', 'safari 4.0', 'safari win 5.0', 'safari 4.1', 'safari/maxthon',                    'safari 3.1', 'safari 41'],                data: [4.55, 1.42, 0.23, 0.21, 0.20, 0.19, 0.14],                color: colors[3]             }          }, {             y: 2.14,             color: colors[4],             drilldown: {                name: 'opera versions',                categories: ['opera 11.x', 'opera 10.x', 'opera 9.x'],                data: [1.65, 0.37, 0.12],                color: colors[4]             }          },{              y: 55.11,             color: colors[0],             drilldown: {                 type: 'column',                name: 'msie versions',                categories: ['msie 8.0', 'msie 6.0', 'msie 7.0', 'msie 9.0'],                level: 1,                 data: [11,10.85, 7.35, 2.41],                color: colors[0]             }          }];     function setchart(name, categories, data, color, level, type) {       chart.xaxis[0].setcategories(categories);        var datalen = data.length;         chart.series[0].remove();        if(datalen === 1){            chart.series[0].remove();        }                for(var = 0; i< datalen; i++){       chart.addseries({           type: type,          name: name,          data: data[i],          level: level,          color: color || 'white'       });    }    }     chart = new highcharts.chart({       chart: {          renderto: 'container',           type: 'column'       },       title: {          text: 'browser market share, april, 2011'       },       subtitle: {          text: 'click columns view versions. click again view brands.'       },       xaxis: {          categories: categories                            },       yaxis: {          title: {             text: 'total percent market share'          }       },       plotoptions: {          column: {              stacking: 'normal',             cursor: 'pointer',             point: {                events: {                   click: function() {                       var drilldown = this.drilldown;                      if (drilldown) { // drill down                           this.series.chart.settitle({                              text:                          });                           setchart(, drilldown.categories, [], drilldown.color, drilldown.level, drilldown.type);                      } else { // restore                         setchart(name, categories, [data,data2], null, level, 'column');                      }                   }                }             },             datalabels: {                enabled: true,                color: colors[0],                style: {                   fontweight: 'bold'                },                formatter: function() {                   return this.y +'%';                }             }                         },           pie: {             cursor: 'pointer',             point: {                events: {                   click: function() {                       var drilldown = this.drilldown;                      if (drilldown) { // drill down                           this.series.chart.settitle({                              text:                          });                           setchart(, drilldown.categories, [], drilldown.color, drilldown.level, drilldown.type);                      } else { // restore                         setchart(name, categories, [data,data2], null, level, 'column');                      }                   }                }             },             datalabels: {                enabled: true,                color: colors[0],                style: {                   fontweight: 'bold'                },                formatter: function() {                   return this.y +'%';                }             }                         }       },       tooltip: {          formatter: function() {             var point = this.point, s = '';               switch (this.series.options.level) {                 case 0:                     s = 'row 1 level 1 instructions<br/>';                     s += ' row 2 level 1 instructions';                     break;                  case 1:                     s = 'row 1 level 2 instructions <br/>';                     s += ' row 2 level 2 instructions';                     break;                  case 2:                     s = 'row 1 level 3 instructions<br/>';                     s += 'row 2 level 3 instructions';                     break;              }               return s;          }       },       series: [{          name: name+" 1",          level: level,          data: data,          color: 'white'       },{          name: name,          level: level,          data: data2,          color: 'white'       }],       exporting: {          enabled: false       }    });   }); 


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