sql server - RowState property not changing -

i have table edit won't save changes. looks problem rowstate not changing. foreach loop debugging:

    private void btnsave_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {          this.validate();         bs.endedit();         dsedit.tables["broker"].getchanges();          datatable dtout = dsedit.tables["broker"];         foreach (datarow rout in dtout.rows)         {             console.writeline(rout.rowstate.tostring());             console.writeline(rout["contactfax"]);             rout["contactfax"] = "change";             console.writeline(rout.rowstate.tostring());             console.writeline(rout["contactfax"]);         }           int n = sdabkr.update(dsedit.tables["broker"]);         messagebox.show(n.tostring() + " record(s) saved.");      } 

the console output follow::

unchanged fax number here unchanged change 

what can cause this? don't see unusual properties set in database.

answer found here: endedit on bindingsource updates datatable, rowstate still unchanged

calling endedit on each row as


fixes problem, don't understand, , don't see in documentation.


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