http request does not work for android version 4 -

i run application android version 2 , works ok, when run version 4 appears exception in line request.seturi(new uri(url));

public string getxmlfromurl(string url) {     string xml = null;      try {         // defaulthttpclient         defaulthttpclient client = new defaulthttpclient();         httpget request = new httpget();         try {             request.seturi(new uri(url));         } catch (urisyntaxexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();             system.out.print("http\n");         }         httpresponse httpresponse = client.execute(request);         httpentity httpentity = httpresponse.getentity();         xml = entityutils.tostring(httpentity);      } catch (unsupportedencodingexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (clientprotocolexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } catch (ioexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }     // return xml     return xml; } 

i can not understand problem.

try below code. have use sslsocketfactory

put after setcontentview

int sdk_int =;  } if (sdk_int>8){  strictmode.threadpolicy policy = new strictmode.threadpolicy.builder().permitall().build();  strictmode.setthreadpolicy(policy);  } 

httpclient httpclient = getnewhttpclient();

.... // httpget request = new httpget(); ..

public httpclient getnewhttpclient() {         try {             keystore truststore = keystore.getinstance(keystore                     .getdefaulttype());             truststore.load(null, null);              sslsocketfactory sf = new mysslsocketfactory(truststore);             sf.sethostnameverifier(sslsocketfactory.allow_all_hostname_verifier);              httpparams params = new basichttpparams();             httpprotocolparams.setversion(params, httpversion.http_1_1);             httpprotocolparams.setcontentcharset(params, http.utf_8);              schemeregistry registry = new schemeregistry();             registry.register(new scheme("http", plainsocketfactory                     .getsocketfactory(), 80));             registry.register(new scheme("https", sf, 443));                clientconnectionmanager ccm = new threadsafeclientconnmanager(                     params, registry);              return new defaulthttpclient(ccm, params);         } catch (exception e) {             return new defaulthttpclient();         }     }

public class mysslsocketfactory extends sslsocketfactory {     sslcontext sslcontext = sslcontext.getinstance("tls");  public mysslsocketfactory(keystore truststore) throws nosuchalgorithmexception, keymanagementexception, keystoreexception, unrecoverablekeyexception {     super(truststore);      trustmanager tm = new x509trustmanager() {         public void checkclienttrusted(x509certificate[] chain, string authtype) throws certificateexception {         }          public void checkservertrusted(x509certificate[] chain, string authtype) throws certificateexception {         }          public x509certificate[] getacceptedissuers() {             return null;         }     };      sslcontext.init(null, new trustmanager[] { tm }, null); }  @override public socket createsocket(socket socket, string host, int port, boolean autoclose) throws ioexception, unknownhostexception {     return sslcontext.getsocketfactory().createsocket(socket, host, port, autoclose); }  @override public socket createsocket() throws ioexception {     return sslcontext.getsocketfactory().createsocket(); }  } 


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