i have following situation, porting piece of app using openssl aes encryption, have compile, linker fails. situation following: 1. wrote jni wrapper : private native string cipherstring(string plaindata, int datasize, string password, int passsize); private native string decipherstring(string ciphereddata, int datasize, string password, int passsize); next have c++ file call has proper jni sintax translates jstring char * , other needed transformations, , makes call cpp file imports openssl headers (present , accounted for) , calls openssl methods ciphering , deciphering. so when call ndk-build, builds thumbs, compiler compiles them correctly. next needed port openssl android, , used openssl android works char simple ndk-build (in root of project, ofcourse) , builds libssl.so , libcrypto.so so need connect two.. find challenge connect build scripts, 1 ndk-build compiles , linkes (i appreciate simple example project if has time it) so copied compiled libssl , libcrypto...