windows - list of various system-files safe to ignore when implementing a virtual file system -

i'm working on webdav-server presents information database in virtual filesystem.

so user able create files on server , automagically created in db.

now user connects server, oss tend create own metadata-files/folders (thinking thumbs.db, desktop.ini, .fseventsd, ds_store, ...)

this files clutter database - , tend bring down performance (osx example lot of indexing folder opened, means tons of hits against database)

so performances , cleanliness's-sake i'm looking "complete" list of (meta)files/folders created various os - "safe" suppressed server.

my list far:

//todo: rid of system files /*  *** everywhere  * thumbs.db  * desktop.ini  * .ds_store  * .desktop  * albumart*.jpg  * folder.jpg  * ._[parentfoldername]   // e.g. /foo/bar/._bar  * ._[existingfoldername] // e.g. /foo/._bar  * ._[existingfilename]   // e.g. /foo/bar/._baz (baz legit file inside bar)  * ._.                    // ?!?   *** root  * system volume information  * .fseventsd  * $recycling.bin  * $recycle.bin  * recycled  * .trashes  * hiberfil.sys  * pagefile.sys  * .hidden  * mach_kernel  * backups.backupdb  * contents  *  *** special  * .metadata_never_index // fake file in root  *                       // (should keep osx indexing)  */ 

my existing test-structure osx was:

/mariodemo/ /franktest/ /testitemrelation/  /.metadata_never_index  /mariodemo/alphabetical/ /mariodemo/hierarchical/ 

here files osx requests when opening /mariodemo/:

propfinds osx

your list pretty complete, guess. add following unless want filter out particular file types:

.ds_store? ._* .spotlight-v100 .documentrevisions-v100 .fseventsd .mobilebackups icon? __macosx ehthumbs.db desktop.ini *.desktop *.bak .*~ *~ 

i took these project called ignoramus. relevant file patterns here, in emacs format. list exact matches printed below, that's took these from:

"$recycle.bin"                         ; ms-windows ".appledouble"                         ; os x ".ds_store"                            ; os x ".documentrevisions-v100"              ; os x ".lsoverride"                          ; os x ".rhistory"                            ; r ".spotlight-v100"                      ; os x ".temporaryitems"                      ; os x ".trashes"                             ; os x ".actionscriptproperties"              ; actionscript ".apt_generated"                       ; gwt ".build"                               ; perl ".buildpath"                           ; eclipse ".builds"                              ; visualstudio ".bzr"                                 ; bazaar ".cdv"                                 ; codeville ".classpath"                           ; eclipse ""  ; os x ""     ; os x ".coverage"                            ; python ".cproject"                            ; eclipse ".directory"                           ; kde ".dropbox"                             ; dropbox ".dropbox.cache"                       ; dropbox ".emacs.desktop"                       ; emacs desktop.el ".emacs.desktop.lock"                  ; emacs desktop.el ".eunit"                               ; erlang ".externaltoolbuilders"                ; eclipse ".flexproperties"                      ; actionscript ".fseventsd"                           ; os x ".git"                                 ; git ".hg"                                  ; mercurial ".idea"                                ; various ".ido.last"                            ; emacs ido-mode ".last_cover_stats"                    ; perl ".lein-deps-sum"                       ; leiningen ".loadpath"                            ; eclipse ".netrwhist"                           ; vim ".org-id-locations"                    ; emacs org-mode ".pc"                                  ; quilt ".project"                             ; eclipse ".projectile"                          ; emacs projectile ".recentf"                             ; emacs recentf ".redcar"                              ; redcar ".rspec"                               ; rails ".sass-cache"                          ; sass ".scala_dependencies"                  ; scala ".svn"                                 ; subversion ".tox"                                 ; python ".wmncach.el"                          ; emacs woman ".yardoc"                              ; yard "_mtn"                                 ; monotone "__history"                            ; delphi "_build"                               ; perl "_cgo_defun.c"                         ; go "_cgo_gotypes.go"                      ; go "_darcs"                               ; darcs "_obj"                                 ; go "_sgbak"                               ; vault "_site"                                ; jekyll "_test"                                ; go "_testmain.go"                         ; go "_yardoc"                              ; yard "aclocal.m4"                           ; automake "auto-save-list"                       ; emacs "autom4te.cache"                       ; autoconf "bin-debug"                            ; various "bin-release"                          ; various "blib"                                 ; perl "build"                                ; various "build"                                ; various "build.bat"                            ; perl "commit_editmsg"                       ; git "cmake_install.cmake"                  ; cmake "cmakecache.txt"                       ; cmake "cmakefiles"                           ; cmake "cover_db"                             ; perl "cscope.csd"                           ; cscope "cscope.files"                         ; cscope ""                           ; cscope "cscope.lst"                           ; cscope "cscope.out"                           ; cscope "cscope.out.po"                        ; cscope "cscope.tmplist"                       ; cscope "cvs"                                  ; cvs "debug"                                ; various "debug"                                ; various "depcomp"                              ; automake "deriveddata"                          ; xcode "desktop.ini"                          ; ms-windows "ehthumbs.db"                          ; ms-windows "git-rebase-todo"                      ; git "gwt-unitcache"                        ; gwt "gwt_bree"                             ; gwt "install-sh"                           ; automake "install_manifest.txt"                 ; cmake "installedfiles"                       ; ruby ""                          ; automake "mcvs"                                 ; meta-cvs "meta.yml"                             ; perl "merge_msg"                            ; git "minimal-session-saver-data.el"        ; emacs minimal-session-saver "mymeta.yml"                           ; perl "nbbuild"                              ; netbeans "nbdist"                               ; netbeans "nosetests.xml"                        ; python "pm_to_blib"                           ; perl "profile"                              ; various "profile"                              ; various "rcs"                                  ; rcs "release"                              ; various "release"                              ; various "sccs"                                 ; sccs "session.vim"                          ; vim "slprj"                                ; matlab "squash_msg"                           ; git "tags"                                 ; ctags/etags "tags"                                 ; ctags/etags "testresult"                           ; visualstudio "testresult"                           ; visualstudio "thumbs.db"                            ; ms-windows "tmtags"                               ; textmate "xcuserdata"                           ; xcode "xhtml-loader.rnc"                     ; emacs nxhtml "{arch}"                               ; arch - todo correct? "~.dep"                                ; xcode ""                                ; xcode "~.nib"                                ; xcode "~.plst"                               ; xcode "test.out"                             ; generic testing "test_out"                             ; generic testing "test.output"                          ; generic testing "test_output"                          ; generic testing 


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