android - Button drawableBottom Nexus 7 and Galaxy Tab 2 -

i adapting application written galaxy tab 2 (10".1) screen size nexus 7 (7"). following suggestions here in stackoverflow created different image sizes densities (l|m|h|xh)dpi , specific layout-sw600dp folder contains layouts modified 7 inches screen.


and added <supports-screens android:anydensity="true" android:largescreens="true" android:normalscreens="true" android:resizeable="true" android:smallscreens="true" /> androidmanifest file.


notwithstanding these modifications still struggling having drawablebottom (and top, left, right) of buttons correctly scaling between 2 devices.

the physical size of rendered images same. nexus making icons large galaxy (or viceversa).

from understood 2 devices, although being of different physical size, share same density of pixels (xhdpi), makes nexus picking xhdpi folder. missing important?

how should adapt drawablebottoms?

have made sure app designed high density displays? try adding manifest after permissions:

<supports-screens android:largescreens="true"                   android:normalscreens="true"                   android:smallscreens="true"                   android:anydensity="true"/> 


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