How to get random value from a file in python? -

it have been gratifying figure out myself haven't been able to.

i want grab random value text file contains data in form of dictionary eg:

{'one': '1111111', 'two': '2222222', 'three': '3333333'} 

i've tried few variations, code currently:

from random import *  table = open('file.txt') random_value = random.choice(table.values()) 

when try , print 'random_value' (to see if working), error:

attributeerror: 'file' object has no attribute 'values' 

table file object, , want turn dictionary. here use ast module:

from random import choice # no need import if you're going use 1 function import ast table = open('file.txt').read() mydict = ast.literal_eval(table) random_value = choice(mydict.values()) 


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