performance - Memory and CPU impact when a DLL is embedded inside a .NET DLL / EXE? -
we have dll distribute has external dependencies on other dlls. rather risking missing dlls or having potential mix-and-matching situations, embed dlls inside our own dll/exe , load @ runtime satisfy runtime linking.
a) between
- embedding dll inside our .exe/.dll , loading memory @ runtime and
- keeping dll separate file on file system , having system load us
which approach consumes more memory , approximately how much?
b) have better approach above? item #3 in details below.
details on our process interested:
register assemblyresolve event @ portion know runs before code in assembly called (eg: init time)
public void someinitcode() { ... appdomain.currentdomain.assemblyresolve += (sender, args) => { string[] assemblydetail =','); var assemblyname= assemblydetail[0] + ".dll"; var thisassembly = assembly.getexecutingassembly(); var allresourcenames = thisassembly.getmanifestresourcenames(); string requiredresname = allresourcenames.singleordefault(a => a.endswith(assemblyname)); using (var input = thisassembly.getmanifestresourcestream(requiredresname)) { return input != null ? assembly.load(streamtobytes(input)) : null; } }; ... } static byte[] streamtobytes(stream input) { var capacity = input.canseek ? (int)input.length : 0; using (var output = new memorystream(capacity)) { int readlength; var buffer = new byte[4096]; { readlength =, 0, buffer.length); output.write(buffer, 0, readlength); } while (readlength != 0); return output.toarray(); } }
embed assembly. done "add existing item" .net project => pick .dll => ok. go , pick .dll , in properties change "build action" "embedded resource".
we still have add same .dll reference , still need have
using externalnamespace;
statements on top of classes using it. if not, build process fails since can't see external dll code @ compile time. post-build action, have delete .dll file (not it's embedded clone) finalbin
a: long inner assembly doesn't have huge size (some massive embedded resource, example) should work acceptably - bit of wriggly answer, don't have better 1 other "measure it". i've done similar things (and similar reasons).
b: set "copy local" on reference properties (f4) false
. need using externalnamespace;
if files in same project - brings namespace play.
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