Mysql - TABLE field layout using sql statement -
is there format sql statement result given following........
table1 id ticket_number 1 2001 2 2002 table2 tn name create_time 2001 sms_to_customer 2013-05-05 10:10:19 2001 sms_to_officer1 2013-05-05 11:17:01 2001 sms_to_officer2 2013-05-05 12:14:05 2002 sms_to_officer1 2013-05-05 09:17:01 2002 sms_to_officer2 2013-05-05 09:30:05
i want result like........
ticket_number sms_to_customer sms_to_officer1 sms_to_officer2 2001 2013-05-05 10:10:19 2013-05-05 11:17:01 2013-05-05 12:14:05 2002 na 2013-05-05 09:17:01 2013-05-05 09:30:05
if values column name
on table2
, can use static version of query,
select tn, coalesce(max(case when name = 'sms_to_customer' create_time end), 'na') `sms_to_customer`, coalesce(max(case when name = 'sms_to_officer1' create_time end), 'na') `sms_to_officer1`, coalesce(max(case when name = 'sms_to_officer2' create_time end), 'na') `sms_to_officer2` table2 group tn
otherwise, use dynamic sql if have values other that
set @sql = null; select group_concat(distinct concat( 'coalesce(max(case when name = ''', name, ''' create_time end), ''na'') ', concat('`',name,'`') ) ) @sql table2; set @sql = concat('select tn, ', @sql, ' table2 group tn'); prepare stmt @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt;
╔══════╦═════════════════════╦═════════════════════╦═════════════════════╗ ║ tn ║ sms_to_customer ║ sms_to_officer1 ║ sms_to_officer2 ║ ╠══════╬═════════════════════╬═════════════════════╬═════════════════════╣ ║ 2001 ║ 2013-05-05 10:10:19 ║ 2013-05-05 11:17:01 ║ 2013-05-05 12:14:05 ║ ║ 2002 ║ na ║ 2013-05-05 09:17:01 ║ 2013-05-05 09:30:05 ║ ╚══════╩═════════════════════╩═════════════════════╩═════════════════════╝
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